#Create-cpp-app and cpx install with the following for Mac/Linux, python3 must be installed check which shell you have by running the command:

Watch the video

sudo apt-get install python3-distutils
sudo apt-get install neofetch

optional packages for a better experience

To install 

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danikhan632/create-cpp-app/main/.installer.py > ~/.installer.py && curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danikhan632/create-cpp-app/main/.create.py > ~/.create.py && python3 ~/.installer.py

create a new project: The name "my_new_proj" is whatever name you like

create-cpp-app my_new_proj

once done bootstrapping, type 


and the following should appear

python3 scripts.py ARG

dev             build and run project
build           build: python3 scripts.py build debug or python3 scripts.py build release
run             run project
debug           run gdb on project
rename ARG2     rename project, ARG2 is new name no spaces
santize         use build using address-sanitzer
test            builds and runs GTests in tests dir
benchmark       runs benchmark on release version of project
prod            builds to release, sanitizes, tests and benchmarks
docker build    use Docker to build project

edit conanfile.txt to add packages

to build the default app, run

cpx build