
A viewer for Supercell SC graphic files format.

Primary LanguageJava

SC Editor

Java 15+ required.

Technical Requirements (ru)


First of all, download the following libraries:

  1. JOGL
    1. Native libraries for your OS
      • gluegen-rt-natives-[...].jar
      • jogl-all-natives-[...].jar
    2. Default libraries
      • gluegen-rt.jar
      • jogl-all.jar
  2. FlatLaf

Then, add the libraries and resources to project modules to include it into the build.

In JetBrains IDEA:

  1. Project Structure -> Global/Project Libraries.
  2. Click Java and select downloaded jar files.
  3. Go into Project Structure -> Modules, select your module.
  4. Add library in module dependencies and apply.
  5. Go into Sources tab and mark resources folder as Resources to include it into the build. resources.png



  1. Download jar from releases for your OS or build it yourself.
  2. Run with command line:
    java -jar sc-editor.jar

P.s: According to the question, just add --illegal-access=permit to the VM-Options to run the editor with Java 16+:

java --illegal-access=permit -jar sc-editor.jar