
big data approaches to a million songs data

Primary LanguagePython

Analysis of million songs dataset

What is this?

CS 123 project:

Working with h5 files

The Million Songs Dataset is made up if many h5 files. We can use pytables to work with h5.

First, make sure you have brew installed. If not, install it. If yes, run

brew upgrade 
brew update

Then run,

brew install homebrew/science/hdf5

To install pytables (to open h5 files), first create a virtual env. Activate your virtual env

source myenv/bin/activate

Please remember to include the name of your virtualenv inside .gitignore by doing

vim .gitignore

And time myvenv/ (or whatever name). This will not include it in our git repo.

Then install this req.txt file

pip install -r cs-requirements.txt

If this crashes at some point with error about setup.py egg ... don't know how to fix this yet. Try pip install tables, which should work for now.

To check this process worked, make sure you're in the directory where the TRAXLZU12903D05F94.h5 test file is.

To work with h5 files, we will be using a Python wrapper made by those who worked on the data at Columbia. Here is the documentation. This in our directory is file called hdf5.py.

Open python or ipython in the terminal, make sure you're in the same directory with the data and the hdf5.py file

import hdf5
h5 = hdf5_getters.open_h5_file_read("TRBGBDH12903CE9EA8.h5)

The hdf5.py file has most of the functions we will need to get the attributes for the data.

MRjob and h5 files

The production version of python library mrjob does not support opening h5 files. We have downloaded the source code and modified the util.py file to accomodate our needs.

Follow these instructions to be able to use this version of mrjob and create your own jobs!


Second, since we will be using our own version of mrjob, run

pip uninstall mrjob

Cd inside the mrjob directory. To use this code, run

python setup.py install

Your mrjobs should now be working.

Some notes

  • the parse_hdf5.py is where the magic is happening. I have included only some attributes so far, like artist year, terms, hottness, but not all. If you will be using a specific attribute, modify this file so it returns your attribute. Note, it must return STRINGS!
  • Inside your mr jobs, the mapper will receive a line. You must split the line with "|"
artist_name, artist_year, artist_terms, hot = line.split("|")

To check all of this worked, run something like

python my-mrjob.py h5_file.h5