Pro-geek E-commerce - API Aplication

Pro-geek is a action-figures ecommerce aplication developed as our final project at Ironhack's full stack course. This repository keeps the RESTful API aplication, which is resposible for the back-end (data persistence). Each successful request will generate a response with a JSON all information requested, so it can be used in the front-end.


It was 3 weeks with a lot of work and dedication after almost 2 months bootcamping. Everybody at Ironhack's Sao Paulo has a huge participation on this achievement and we are very gratefull for all the support and for believe in our potential. :-)

API carachteristics

Additional implementations and improvements

Althouth the API is fully functional, improvements can be made to validate the data being sent from the front-end in order to ensure a consistent information being stored in the database.


Please feel free to fork/clone this repo to look deeper into the logics of this API and contribute with some of the above improvements if you like :-) By forking this repo, use '$ npm install' in your terminal to add all dependencies needed. You will also need to create a ".env" file in your root folder and add some keys:


You will also need to set up CORS middleware to ensure that the requests sent from the front-end will be accepted. Just go to "index.js" file and set up the origin link at line #39 (example below).

app.use(cors({ credentials: true, origin: ['http://localhost:3000'] }));

Authors & Version Control

API developed by Bruno Dolce -, Henrique Guazzelli Mendes - & João Pedro Serrat - - ProGeek API App Version 0.1 - Published in March-10th of 2019