
🔵 React Native App to Facebook authentication using fbsdk and TypeScript ✨

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App using TypeScript template

📝 About

This is a simple example how make an OAuth2 authentication with Facebook account 😉 All needed info can be found here

💻 Used Technologies

✨ How Is It

🤭 Installing Tools

Our first step is make sure you have all tools avaliable on your computer! So, ensure to follow the steps correctly.

ATENTION: The following steps is for Linux. If you have another SO, just search how to make same steps for you.

Installing NVM

All documentation (including for Windows can be found at official repository of NVM) Open your terminal and type curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash

Installing Node.js

On same terminal type nvm install v12.16.3 and next nvm use v12.16.3 This commands basicly say to you computer to download Node.js at version 12.16.3 (that is the current LTS version, but you can see if changes on NodeJS official site) and use it.

Installing Yarn

Yarn is a package manager that will be used for download all dependencies and executing our project (yes, our project. You're being part of this now). To this, you have two options:

1 - Go to the official Yarn website and see by yourself how to install;

2 - Run this command: npm install -g yarn

Now we've all we need to start executing our project. This is so exciting!

🚀 Running the Project

Make a Clone

You can just download by the green button on right top this page.

Or with Git Bash:

# make a clone of this repository
git clone https://github.com/danilo-vieira/react-native-fbauth.git

# go to the downloaded folder
cd react-native-fbauth

Opening the Project

Now, open this directory with your IDE (Visual Studio Code is recommended cause it has a integrated terminal)

With the terminal run yarn

Yes, just it. This will install all needed dependencies. Take a break and drink a coffee while waiting ☕😋.

Initializing the Project

With an configured emulator or on your own device connected on your PC you can run yarn android or yarn ios

Do not have any idea how configure your environment? No problem, you can just follow this steps

Developed with ❤ by Danilo Vieira

Social medias: Linkedin