
My dotfiles

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


My dotfiles.

It installs the i3wm (gaps version) for a more lightweight and focused windows management, some dev stuff and utilities. Take a look at Resources section to see the whole list.

It was tested in a fresh installation of Arch Linux on May 2020.


Run this in your terminal.

bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danilobjr/dotfiles/master/install.sh)

After installation you should reboot your system for all settings take effect.


If something goes wrong, take a look at installation log file .dotfiles.log in your home directory.

You can search for a related issue at issues tab as well. If there isn't, create one.


Desktop Environment

  • Xorg - An open source implementation of the X Window System.
  • i3-gaps - Windows Management.
  • Polybar - A fast and easy-to-use status bar.
  • betterlockscreen - Sweet looking lockscreen for linux system - i3lock.
  • feh - An X11 image viewer aimed mostly at console users.
  • neofetch - A command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+.
  • htop - An interactive process viewer.
  • rofi - A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement.
  • ranger - A VIM-inspired filemanager for the console.
  • Chromium - Open-source browser.
  • scrot - A simple commandline screen capture utility.
  • compton - It's a standalone compositor for Xorg.

Dev Stuff

  • Rxvt-unicode - Terminal emulator.
  • zsh - Shell designed for interactive use.
  • oh-my-zsh - An open source, community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration.
  • z - Jump around in your directories (command line tool).
  • git - A free and open source distributed version control system.
  • nvm - Node Version Manager.
  • Node.js - It is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
  • vercel - Optimal workflow for frontend teams. All-in-one: Static and Jamstack deployment, Serverless Functions, and Global CDN.
  • Visual Studio Code - Code editing. Redefined. Free. Open source. Runs everywhere.
  • neovim - Hyperextensible Vim-based text editor.



i3wm uses a bunch of shortcuts to manage things. Here are the main ones separated by category.

i3 - Window Management

  • Win+Enter - Open a terminal in a new window.
  • Win+q - Close focused window.
  • Win+f - Toggle fullscreen.
  • Win+Shift+f - Toggle floating/tiling mode.
  • Win+p - Focus parent window.
  • Win+c - Focus child window.
  • Win+- - Prepare to open window horizontally.
  • Win+\ - Prepare to open window vertically.
  • Win+j, k, l or ; - Change focused to adjacent window.
  • Win+Arrow keys - Change focused to adjacent window.
  • Win+Shift+j, k, l or ; - Move focused window.
  • Win+Shift+Arrow keys - Move focused window.
  • Win+r - Enter resize mode.
    • h, j, k or l - Change size when resize mode is on.
    • Arrow keys - Change size when resize mode is on.

i3 - System

  • Win+Space - Show app search bar (fuzzy finder). Chromium and Chrome open always in Workspace 1.
  • Win+F4 - Show system off options that user can choose from: Logout, Reboot, Hibernate and Shutdown.
  • Win+Esc - Lock screen. Enter password to return.
  • Fn+Increase Volume (function key) - Increase master volume.
  • Fn+Decrease Volume (function key) - Decrease master volume.
  • Fn+Mute Volume (function key) - Mute master volume.
  • PrintScreen - Take a screenshot of entire display.
  • Shift+PrintScreen - Take a screenshot of a focused window.

i3 - Programs

  • Win+e - Open ranger in a new window (file manager).

i3 - Workspaces

  • Win+(Number) - Go to that number workspace.
  • Win+Shift+(Number) - Send focused window to that workspace.
  • Win+PgUp - Go to previous workspace.
  • Win+PgDown - Go to next workspace.

i3 - Customization

You can customize i3 in the config file. After changes, just hit Win+F5 to reload it.


By using this awesome piece of technology with default settings you already are kicking-ass productive. I just added some more keymaps accordinglly to my preferences.

If you're not familiar with it, you can see this cheatsheet for a basic comprehension. I put some very basic shortcuts bellow as well.

Some considerations:

  • As mentioned before, you can open ranger with Win+e.
  • Hidden files is shown by default.
  • I removed all keymaps for bookmarks. I added some smart ones for a fast access to some folders.
  • I removed q and ZZ for quit. Only Q remains. Or simply use Win+q from i3.

And you can change all these in rc.conf file.

Ranger - Basics

These are the basic keymaps. Note that they are mostly vim-based.

  • h, j, k or l - Move left, down, up or right (where left moves up in the directory structure, right moves into a folder or open if is a file).
  • Space - Select file.
  • dd - Cut selected files.
  • yy - Copy selected files.
  • pp - Paste/move copied/cut files.
  • / - Search. Then use n/N for next/previous result. Renaming files:
  • cw - Rename file from scratch.
  • A - Rename file appending cursor to the end.
  • a - Rename file putting cursor before the extension.
  • I - Rename file putting cursor at the beginning.

Ranger - Smart shortcuts

I've added many folder-specific shortcuts for fast move. Here's the idea:



  • g - Go to.
  • Y - Copy to.
  • m - Move to.
  • t - Create new tab at.
  • X - Unzip at.


  • / - / (except for X action)
  • m - /media
  • h - ~
  • c - ~/.config
  • i - ~/.dotfiles/i3
  • R - ~/.dotfiles/ranger
  • p - ~/.dotfiles/polybar
  • w - ~/.dotfiles/wallpapers
  • x - ~/.dotfiles/xorg
  • . - ~/.dotfiles
  • r - ~/repos
  • d - ~/Downloads
  • P - ~/Pictures
  • v - ~/Videos


  • gd - Go to ~/Downloads folder.
  • mv - Move selected file/folder to ~/Videos folder.
  • tr - Create a new tab at _~/repos folder.

Ranger - General file manipulation

  • mkd - Create a new directory (it'll ask for you name it).
  • D - Delete selected files/folders (it'll prompt you).

Ranger - Code editors

There's a common pattern for Vim and Visual Studio Code.

Visual Studio Code.

  • ecc - Open selected file in Code.
  • ecn - Prompt shell command line to type a new file and open it in Code.
  • ecd - Open current directory in Code.


  • evv - Open selected file in Vim.
  • evn - Prompt shell command line to type a new file and open it in Vim.
  • evd - Open current directory in Vim.

Ranger - Zip and Unzip

  • ZZ - Zip selected objects to the current folder named as container.zip.
  • XX - Prompt a unzip command with current file name (it has Smart shortcuts to extract at specific directories).

Ranger - System

  • bg - Set the selected image as wallpaper.


There is bunch of aliases for npm, yarn, git, pacman and configuration files. You can modify them at ~/.zshrc. See the whole aliases list here.

A ~/repos folder is created in your home directory when Zsh runs at first time. It is the default folder on Zsh startup. I put all my repos there.

Visual Studio Code

It comes with Vim extension preinstalled by default and some other extensions as well. You can check them by pressing Ctrl+Shift+X inside VSCode.

There are some keybindings that you can check at File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts and then search for @source:user in the Search keybindings field.

Some snippets are defined as well for Javascript and Typescript, including React versions. You can see them at File > Preferences > User Snippets. They are on top of the list.

Note: You can press Alt to toggle menu.


It comes with some preinstalled plugins, such as coc.nvim, lightline, vim-fugitive, auto-pairs, etc. You can check at ~/.config/nvim/init.vim file.


To set a wallpaper manually just name a image file as wall.jpg in move it to wallpapers folder and then reload i3 by pressing Win+F5.

Or you can just run ranger, put cursor over an image, and press bg.


  • Automatic mounting for USB/Dvd.
  • Video recording (gif/mp4).
  • Send email from ranger?
  • Update docs: background script, etc. OK - Instal use rofi instead of dmenu.
  • FAQ setcion: log, audio, print, etc.


Licensed under MIT License.