Rails, JS-Tree, Rspec
This project is about a file storage with active-storage and view using js-tree
ruby 2.5.1
yarn add boostrap yarn add jquery yarn add popper.js
Rails 5.2.5
rails new click-file -T --skip-turbolinks --skip-action-mailer --skip-coffee
I made a self join-association in the model FileSystems to represent a File and its parent, this way I can display folders, subfolders, files. This way I do not need a gem.
To store files I will use active_storage from Rails 5.2.
To display files/folders I used jstree - https://jstree.com
rails active_storage:install rails db:migrate
class FileSystem < ApplicationRecord
has_many :files, class_name: 'FileSystem', foreign_key: 'folder_id'
belongs_to :folder, class_name: 'FileSystem', optional: true # this is the self-join in Model
has_one_attached :attached_file
and the migration
def change
create_table :file_systems do |t|
t.boolean :file, null: false, default: true
t.references :folder, index: true # this is the self-join in Migration
### Installing
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
rails s
> http://localhost:3000/
## Running the tests
Models and Controllers
bundle exec rspec
## Authors
* **Danilo Cândido** - *Initial work* - [danilocandido](https://github.com/danilocandido)
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details
## Acknowledgments
* First time I used JS-TREE