
E2E testing setup that can be applied in the real world.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

E2E tests Badge ServeRest GitHub


Icon laboratori Icon laboratory

A E2E test automation setup that you can apply in the real world.


Test suite

  • ServeRest, an amazing server that simulates an e-commerce to be tested
  • Cypress, to create and run E2E tests
  • Faker, to generate randon data for tests
  • ✅ "Page Action" custom pattern, to organize test structure
  • Environment config, to run tests in multiple environment
  • Test retry , to repeat failed tests and avoid flakiness

Code quality



  1. Clone and access the cloned repo folder

    $ git clone https://github.com/danilofeijo/cypress-lab.git && cd cypress-lab

  2. Install the project dependencies

    $ npm install

CLI commands

Tests Execution

Run npx cypress open, to open the Cypress Test Runner.

Check more available commands by visiting scripts session on package.json file.

Relevant parameters

  • from Cypress
    • --browser chrome, to set browser (default is Electron)
    • --headless, to headless execution (default for Electron)
    • --headed, to non headless execution (default for Chrome/Firefox)
    • --env configFile=<env>, to set an environment (default is 'qa')
    • --spec '<file-path>/test-file.cy.js', to run specific test file

Check other nice parameters by visiting the Command Line Cypress page.
