
ExWallet allows you to check the status of an Ethereum transaction from its hash.

The possible responses to a valid transaction hash are success, failed and pending.

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How to use

Build the project

Copy .env-sample to .env:

cp .env-sample .env

Open .env file and set value for environment variable ETHERSCAN_API_KEY:

Note: click here to learn how create an API KEY

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Build docker image:

docker-compose build

Create database for project:

docker-compose run api mix ecto.create

Up the project:

docker-compose up

The application will be available through


Examples of transactions

success transacation example:


failed transacation example:


pending transacation: you can check for pending transactions in this EtherScan pending transactions list

Running tests

To run tests, first we need to create the test database (needed only for first time):

docker-compose run api env MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.create

Then run tests using:

docker-compose run api env MIX_ENV=test mix test