This project was done on "Semana OmniStack 10" from Rocketseat. It is a system with a site for register developers from his GitHub users and an app to verify other closer developers on base in technologies in common.
- Back-end: Node
- Database: MongoDB
- Front-end: React
- Mobile: React Native
This repo contains 3 projects (backend, frontend, and mobile), and you need to install all dependencies from each one, so enter in each folder project and run:
$ npm install
Remember, the backend uses MongoDB to store data, so you will need him installed and executing. For mobile, you will need an emulator ou just a cellphone to run the expo, if you don't have an emulator installed and configured follow this guide. To run the mobile, you will also need expo-cli installed globally. After all, configured you will need to run all the projects:
# /semanaomnistack10/backend
$ npm run dev
# /semanaomnistack10/frontend
$ npm start
# /semanaomnistack10/mobile
$ expo start
The expo will open a page in your browser, after this click on Run on Android device/emulator
with the emulator open.