An inclusive chat that avoids negative messages and translates the content in the language that you choose, tracking the main topics of a chat room.
- 2019SP93022Bangalore, IN
- adlabacCodelab
- adrianobonfiglioSAP
- akserikawadrifting away
- alexcasalboniEdgee
- anieve01
- askulkarni2AWS
- BeshoyHindyVolvo Cars
- brianklaas
- danblundellGymshark
- danilopAmazon Web Services
- darko-mesaros@aws
- denjiKyiv, UA
- drAlberT@faktiva
- gibbsiegibbsie.org Solutions
- gweinholdIrvine, California
- HemanthReddy99
- imjmaABC
- jjbuck
- johnowennixonDevOps Engineer @candide-com
- lalitkaleATechieThought Labs
- lanceharperSeattle
- laszlokiralyVienna
- lmammino@fourtheorem
- lsonm039
- mharrvic@thinkingmachines
- ml-luanvvt
- mrtj@Neosperience
- OsamaJBRThe Neuron
- pshongweBMW
- reegzJohannesburg, South Africa
- sanvisimoMilano
- sniperwolfCatania, Italy
- sudhakaryadav07
- urukalo@urukalo-dev
- yyolkY O L K