
Barcode endpoint

Primary LanguagePython

Barcode Service

Barcode Service is a Django web application designed to run in a Docker container. A docker-compose.yml file is included that builds and runs a full stack including database and reverse-proxy (Nginx).

Getting up and running

Assuming Docker and docker-compose are installed, the commands to get the application up and running include:

docker-compose build

docker-compose up

docker-compose exec web python manage.py migrate

To quit the application, press Ctrl+C.

About the bar code generation endpoint

Barcode Generation Service currently supports:

  • EAN8 barcode generation => by default
  • Height & Width => Float, calculated as mm
  • Background and Foreground colours => Hex value, minus the #
  • Initially picked Poemtree package to ouput EAN8 barcode, as most closely resembles barcode image provided
  • Used python-barcode package for SVG output
  • Business Decision required on which Barcode style to go for