MapApp main repository


Basic map web application for displaying a map, performing a search and calculating a route from an origin point to a search result, built on top of Mapbox's services, deployable on AWS or Azure.


Development project board


Demo on AWS


The application isn't always deployed, nor will it have the URL shown in the demo.



  • Initialize all submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
  • Set Mapbox API token in mapbox_token.txt

Build and run using Docker Compose

  • Run Docker Compose:
docker compose up

Build & run as a local k8s cluster via minikube

  • Start minikube:
minikube start --vm-driver=kvm2
  • Point Docker engine towards minikube
eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)
  • Build docker images
# Base enironment for search service
cd $ROOT/services/map_app_search_service/map_app_search_service_base
docker build --target=map-app-search-service-dep-build \
    `./docker_build/ docker_build/args/release.args` \

# Search service
cd $ROOT/services/map_app_search_service
docker build --build-arg="BASE_ENV=<SEARCH_SERVICE_BASE_ENV_IMG>" \
    --target runner -t <SEARCH_SERVICE_IMG> .

# Navigation service
cd $ROOT/services/map_app_navigation_service
docker build --target runner -t <NAVIGATION_SERVICE_IMG> .

# Frontend
cd $ROOT/map_app_frontend
docker build --target runner -t <FRONTEND_IMG> .
  • Set Mapbox API token as secret from file
kubectl delete secret mapbox-access --ignore-not-found
kubectl create secret generic mapbox-access --from-file=token=mapbox_token.txt
  • Generate search service manifest with image name from template (or manual edit) and apply
cat services/map_app_search_service/k8s_service.tmp.yml | IMAGE_NAME=<SEARCH_SERVICE_IMG> envsubst > k8s_service_search.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s_service_search.yml
  • Optional for images built locally: patch manifest to disable pull
kubectl patch deployment search-deploy -p '{"spec": {"template": {"spec":{"containers":[{"name": "search-service-cont", "imagePullPolicy":"Never"}]}}}}'
  • Generate navigation service manifest with image name from template (or manual edit) and apply
cat services/map_app_navigation_service/k8s_service.tmp.yml | IMAGE_NAME=<NAVIGATION_SERVICE_IMG> envsubst > k8s_service_navigation.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s_service_navigation.yml
  • Optional for images built locally: patch manifest to disable pull
kubectl patch deployment navigation-deploy -p '{"spec": {"template": {"spec":{"containers":[{"name": "navigation-service-cont", "imagePullPolicy":"Never"}]}}}}'
  • Generate frontend manifest with image name from template (or manual edit) and apply
cat map_app_frontend/k8s_service.tmp.yml | IMAGE_NAME=<FRONTEND_IMG> envsubst > k8s_service_frontend.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s_service_frontend.yml
  • Optional for images built locally: patch manifest to disable pull
kubectl patch deployment frontend-deploy -p '{"spec": {"template": {"spec":{"containers":[{"name": "frontend-cont", "imagePullPolicy":"Never"}]}}}}'
  • Expose frontend service from minikube and access the frontend via the provided address:
minikube service frontend-service
  • For debugging inside pods:
kubectl exec --stdin --tty <POD_ID> -- /bin/bash