
Solution to display information about some of the most remarkable characters of the Starwars saga

Primary LanguageKotlin


Solution to display information about some of the most remarkable characters of the Starwars saga.

Clean architecture Modules

  • Presentation: MVP.
  • Domain
  • Data

Alt text


  1. [Done] Get a list of the characters from http://swapi.co/api/people API.
  2. [Done] Show a list of characters sorted by default on name.
  3. [Done] Add one button that allows the user to change the sort method between:
    • [Done] Character name.
    • [Done] Character birth year.
  4. [Done] Add one button to each cell to mark characters as favourite.
  5. [ToDo] If you press the cell you have to show another view with the character detailed information:
    • Films.
    • Vehicles.
    • Homeworld.

Extra features

  1. [Done] Your GUI interface should contain a text box to search characters by name or homeworld. Once the user stop typing, your list will be updated with users that matches with the search term.

  2. [Done] Create another view, similar to the first one, to show users marked as favourite or add it as another filter in the main view.

  3. [ToDo] Make it available offline! Use any of the existing solutions (SharedPreferences, Realm, SQLite, etc..) to do persistent storage and available to the user when there is no internet connection.

  4. [Done] Use of some kind of version control, preferably Github. ! Be structured and clean!

  5. Be creative!

  6. [ToDO] Tests. Data, Domain and Presentation


![Alt text](screenshot1.jpg title="List of characters")