
An L-System written in Clojure.

Primary LanguageClojure


Generate L-Systems, and Turtle-execute them

To Use

First, for obvious reasons, make sure you have leiningen installed.

Run lein repl. Once the REPL is loaded, you can try the provided example with (def Z (lsystem Z P)) to execute a step of the lsystem. A helper function, nth-L is provided to run an lsystem more than once in one go.

The example alphabet is [:F :< :> :L :R]. The keywords mean the following:

:F Move forward in the current direction, drawing a line
:< Push state onto stack
:> Pop state off stack and use as current state
:L Turn left
:R Turn right

The definitions of these can be changed in simple.clj, which contains the alphabet and each member's meaning.

The L-System rules are defined as P. You can redifine them. Try this, for example:

(def P {:F [:F :< :L :F :> :F :< :R :F :> :F]
        :L [:L :F]
        :R [:F :R]})

The graphical window should display real-time results as you redefine values.

WARNING: The system cannot handle deep recursion, hence you cannot run lsystem too many times before you get a stack overflow. Sorry.


  • 3D L-System
  • Context-sensitive L-System
  • Panning and zooming of output window
  • Some way to allow deeper recursion...