
This package adds a C-c C-g shortcut which allows to setup log4cl's log levels from Emacs.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


This package adds a C-c C-g shortcut which allows to setup log4cl's log levels from Emacs. You will be able to set different levels for packages, files and function definitions:



System is available at Ultralisp. Please, setup your quicklisp client to use it as a source for packages:

(ql-dist:install-dist "http://dist.ultralisp.org/"
                      :prompt nil)

Next, download and setup log4sly.

CL-USER> (ql:quickload :log4cl)
CL-USER> (log4sly:install)
Wrote ~/projects/lisp/test-log4sly/.qlot/log4sly-setup.el

Add the following two statements to your ~/.emacs file
(load "~/projects/lisp/test-log4sly/.qlot/log4sly-setup.el")
(global-log4sly-mode 1)


This system is based on log4slime, by Max Mikhanosh (max.mikhanosha@gmail.com).