Rate-a-date is a full-stack react application that allows users to post date ideas and locations, as well as rating and commenting. There are a huge amount of apps that help people find people to date, so we created an application to help users figure out where to go and what things make good dates. We built this to review locations and activities specifically from the prespective of utilizing them for dates, and how well they fit into a plethora of categories. Some look for fun adventurous locations such as hiking trails whereas others might just be looking for ideas on what good movies are available to watch together online for a long distance date. There's plenty of ideas out there, time to start exploring.
- Anyone can utilize the site, only memebers may add dates, rates, and comments.
- Search through a wide database of date ideas.
- Looking for somewhere to pop the question? Check the romantic category.
- Social distancing? Check the long distance tag.
- See and idea you love? Rate and comment, or save it to try it out later.
- Search by location, category, tag, or anything else in the search bar.
- MERN stack (mongo via mongoose, express, react, and node).
- Axios
- Google maps
- Bcrypt
- Morgan
- Passport
Rate-a-Date is released under the MIT license.