
A Flutter plugin for accessing to all available data from your phone contacts. Supports iOS and Android.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


pub package

A Flutter plugin for accessing to all available data from your phone contacts. Supports iOS and Android.

Getting Started

In Android, you need to add the READ_CONTACTS permission in your AndroidManifest.xml.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />

In iOS, you need to add the key NSContactsUsageDescription in your Info.plist file.

<string>We need access to your contacts for this demo</string>


Import package

To use this plugin you must add fcontacts as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

    fcontacts: ^1.1.0


import 'package:fcontacts/fcontacts.dart';

Listing all the contacts in your device:

List<FContact> allContacts = await FContacts.all();

Listing contacts filtered by a query string:

List<FContact> filteredContacts = await FContacts.list( query: "abc" );
// The fields used to filter are:
//  - identifier
//  - displayName
//  - nickname
//  - jobTitle
//  - departmentName
//  - organizationName
//  - note
//  - postalAddresses (street, city, subLocality, subAdministrativeArea, postalCode, state, country)
//  - emails
//  - urls
//  - phoneNumbers
//  - socialProfiles (service, userIdentifier, username, url)
//  - contactRelations
//  - instantMessageAddresses (service, username)



class FContact {
    String identifier;
    String displayName;
    String contactType;
    String namePrefix;
    String givenName;
    String middleName;
    String familyName;
    String previousFamilyName;              // Only in iOS
    String nameSuffix;
    String nickname;
    String phoneticGivenName;               // Only in iOS
    String phoneticMiddleName;              // Only in iOS
    String phoneticFamilyName;              // Only in iOS
    String jobTitle;
    String departmentName;                  // Only in iOS
    String organizationName;
    String phoneticOrganizationName;        // Only in iOS
    String note;                            // Only in Android
    Uint8List image;
    Uint8List thumbnail;

    List<FContactDateLabeled> dates;
    List<FContactPostalAddressLabeled> postalAddresses;
    List<FContactValueLabeled> emails;
    List<FContactValueLabeled> urls;
    List<FContactValueLabeled> phoneNumbers;
    List<FContactSocialProfileLabeled> socialProfiles;                      // Only in iOS
    List<FContactValueLabeled> contactRelations;
    List<FContactInstantMessageAddressLabeled> instantMessageAddresses;



class FContactValueLabeled {
    String label;
    String value;


class FContactDateLabeled {
    String label;
    int day;
    int month;
    int year;


class FContactPostalAddressLabeled {
    String label;
    String street;
    String city;
    String subLocality;
    String subAdministrativeArea;
    String postalCode;
    String state;
    String country;
    String isoCountryCode;
    String formatted;


class FContactSocialProfileLabeled {
    String label;
    String service;
    String userIdentifier;
    String username;
    String url;


class FContactInstantMessageAddressLabeled {
    String label;
    String service;
    String username;


  • The Notes field in iOS is not available for now.


This plugin has been created and developed by Daniel MartĂ­nez.

Any suggestions and contributions are welcomed. Thanks for using this plugin!