
This is a simple study on how this kind of games were made. This project only uses Typescript, no engine.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

A Study about the games like Top Gear

This is a simple study on how this kind of games were made.

This project only uses Typescript, no engine.



yarn => Install dependencies;

yarn dev => Start a local server running on http://localhost:5173/;

yarn preview => Preview production build on a local server running on http://localhost:4173/;

yarn build => Create production build on /dist folder;


Code-It-Yourself! Retro Arcade Racing Game - Programming from Scratch (Quick and Simple C++) javidx9 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkMZI5Jbf18]

A Detailed Explanation of JavaScript Game Loops and Timing [https://isaacsukin.com/news/2015/01/detailed-explanation-javascript-game-loops-and-timing]