
A script to reclaim wasted space for CouchDB

MIT LicenseMIT



$ couch-cleanup COUCHDB_ROOT_URL

COUCHDB_ROOT_URL should be a URL pointing to the root of the CouchDB server you want to perform cleanup actions upon, including admin credentials if your server is not in admin party mode.

For example:

$ couch-cleanup http://adminuser:pass@some.host:5984/

Why do I need this?

CouchDB databases and views use append-only data structures on disk for reliability and MVCC. You'll likely want to compact your databases and view indices, on occasion, to reclaim space from old revisions. In addition, CouchDB doesn't delete old view index files, even after deleting the design document that caused the view to be built.

This script will help you automate reclaiming this "wasted" disk space.

What specifically will this script do?

This script will compact each database, and remove unused view and CouchDB-Lucene index files. The script also compacts the view indices of each design doc, and optimizes any CouchDB-Lucene indexes it finds. Moreover, this script tries to wait for each cleanup task to complete before beginning the next, so as not to bombard the server with activity.

How to use this

Since the cleanup activities performed by this script can create a bunch of disk I/O, I suggest launching this script during a period of minimal activity. For example, you could schedule a cron job to execute this script in the middle of the night on the weekend.


Ruby and the JSON gem


This script is known to work with following versions of software:

  • Ruby 1.8.7
  • JSON gem 1.4.6
  • CouchDB 1.0.1