
funções da criadas e recriadas

Primary LanguageC

42 Piscine



The 42 School Piscine is an intensive coding selection process that aims to provide hands-on experience in various programming languages and concepts. During the Piscine, participants undertake a series of projects and exercises to strengthen their coding skills, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork.

C skills developed

During the 42 School Piscine, participants develop a range of C programming skills. Here are some key skills that are typically honed during the Piscine:

  1. C Syntax and Semantics: Participants become proficient in understanding and using the syntax and semantics of the C programming language. They learn about variables, data types, control flow structures (such as loops and conditionals), functions, pointers, and memory management.

  2. Algorithmic Thinking: The Piscine challenges participants to think algorithmically and develop efficient solutions to various problems. They learn to analyze problems, break them down into smaller tasks, and design algorithms to solve them.

  3. Debugging and Problem-Solving: Participants learn how to debug and troubleshoot code. They develop the ability to identify and fix logical errors, handle edge cases, and improve the efficiency and correctness of their programs.

  4. Memory Management: The Piscine emphasizes manual memory management in C. Participants gain a deep understanding of concepts like stack and heap memory, dynamic memory allocation (using functions like malloc and free), memory leaks, and memory corruption.

  5. Data Structures: Participants become familiar with fundamental data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, and trees. They learn how to implement and manipulate these data structures in C to solve specific problems efficiently.

  6. File I/O: Participants learn how to read from and write to files using C's file I/O functions. They gain experience in opening, closing, reading, and writing files, as well as error handling during file operations.

  7. Code Modularity and Reusability: The Piscine encourages participants to write modular and reusable code. They learn how to organize their code into functions and separate files, creating libraries and headers for code reuse across different projects.

  8. Collaboration and Teamwork: The Piscine fosters a collaborative environment where participants work in pairs or groups to solve problems and complete projects. They develop teamwork skills, learn how to effectively communicate and collaborate with peers, and practice version control using tools like Git.

These are just a few examples of the C skills that participants develop during the 42 School Piscine. The Piscine provides a solid foundation in C programming, preparing participants for more advanced programming concepts and projects.

Shell skills developed

During the 42 School Piscine, participants also develop essential shell skills. Here are some key skills that are typically honed during the Piscine:

  1. Command-Line Basics: Participants become comfortable navigating and working with the command-line interface. They learn about commands, command syntax, options, and arguments.

  2. Shell Scripting: Participants gain proficiency in shell scripting using languages like Bash. They learn how to write scripts to automate tasks, perform file operations, execute commands, and handle control flow structures.

  3. Process Management: Participants learn how to manage processes using the shell. They become familiar with concepts such as process creation, process termination, process IDs, job control, and background/foreground processes.

  4. Shell Environment: Participants understand the shell environment and learn how to customize it. They learn about environment variables, shell configuration files (such as .bashrc or .zshrc), and how to set up their shell environment for efficient and personalized usage.

  5. Redirection and Pipes: Participants gain proficiency in redirecting input and output streams using operators like <, >, >>, and |. They learn how to redirect standard input and output, append to files, and pipe commands together for more complex operations.

  6. File Permissions and Ownership: Participants learn how to manage file permissions and ownership using shell commands such as chmod and chown. They understand the concepts of read, write, and execute permissions for user, group, and others.

  7. Shell Variables and Substitutions: Participants learn about shell variables and how to assign and use them. They explore variable expansions, command substitution, arithmetic expansion, and string manipulation techniques in shell scripts.

  8. Shell Utilities: Participants become familiar with common shell utilities and commands, such as grep, sed, awk, and find. They learn how to leverage these utilities to search, filter, manipulate text, and perform file operations.

These are some of the shell skills that participants typically develop during the 42 School Piscine. Mastery of shell skills is crucial for efficient command-line usage, automation, and scripting, which are essential in various programming and system administration tasks.


During the Piscine, it's important to keep the following things in mind:

  • Manage your time effectively to meet project deadlines.
  • Collaborate with your peers, but avoid excessive code sharing or copying.
  • Follow the guidelines and requirements outlined in each project's subject document.
  • Attend workshops, lectures, and group activities to enhance your learning experience.
  • Seek help from mentors and teaching staff whenever you encounter difficulties.
  • The Piscine is an intense and demanding program. Be prepared to dedicate significant time and effort to complete the assignments.
  • Don't hesitate to ask questions and seek clarification when needed. The Piscine is designed to encourage learning and growth.
  • Embrace the opportunity to work in a collaborative environment and engage with your peers. Learning from and with others can greatly enhance your experience.