
A starter template repo for LaDebug July Slam JavaScript contest.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

LaDebug 🐞 JulySlam JavaScript Contest - Starter

A starter repo for LaDebug July Slam JavaScript contest. Use this repo to quickly setup the directory structure and files. It is highly advised to go through the document thoroughly.

Getting started πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈ

  • Use the GitHub Classroom link to create a private repo - https://classroom.github.com/a/bqTxlaR3
  • Clone the repo from your profile using git clone https://github.com/<your-username>/julyslam-js-todo-<your-username>

About the assessment 🎈

ToDo lists are a nice place to start implementing your web development concepts. Given the functionality of a sophisticated ToDo list: creating new ToDos, deleting older ones, modifying the existing ones. To implement these functions, we need JavaScript.

There is a lot to experiment. You can add animations, AJAX, make use of storages and APIs, and a lot more.

Your code should let the user do the following:

  1. add new ToDos
  2. modify existing ToDos
  3. delete existing ToDos

You are free to build up on it, and add some additional functionality like having a weather widget ☁.

Directory Structure

πŸ“„ index.html -- HTML code goes here

πŸ“„ README.md -- Read Me file, no changes required

πŸ“„ .gitignore -- Use this file to ignore files and directories

πŸ“ scripts -- JS files will be stored here

 β†’   πŸ“„ core.js -- JS code goes here

πŸ“ styles -- CSS files will be stored here

 β†’   πŸ“„ style.css -- CSS goes here

πŸ“ res -- All static resources (images, docs, etc.) will be stored here

 β†’   πŸ“„ favicon_128x128.png -- Default 128x128 favicon

πŸ“ vendor -- If you are using any libraries and not using a CDN

πŸ“ misc -- Anything that does not fit into other directories

Rules & Guidelines πŸ“

  1. Good coding practices and conforming to coding standards is a plus πŸ“š.
  2. Use of jQuery should be avoided. Vanilla JS is cool 😎!
  3. Using Google (and Stack Overflow) is allowed βœ…; however, significant plagiarism will lead to disqualification ❌.
  4. Use of libraries is allowed, but should be avoided. Try to use in-built JS methods 🏹.
  5. Write good commit messages. We'll review your commit history ⏳.
  6. This is not a CSS contest, and we do not expect you to write a lot of CSS. You can skip CSS altogether, but a little CSS is always nice πŸ˜‰.
  7. Javascript❌ JavaScript βœ…
  8. Github❌ GitHubβœ…
  9. You can use any code editor/IDE that you like. As long as your code works, editor/IDE does not matter πŸ’».

Suggested Readings πŸ“•

Recommended Dev Environment πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

This section is subjective. Although, I use this environment setup, and I recommend it - it is a matter of personal preference. You can be an amazing coder and still use Vi or Notepad

Coding Guidelines πŸ“‘

1. Be generous with comments

Bad Code πŸ‘Ž:

var flag = 1;
var iter = 0;



Good Code πŸ‘:

var flag = 1; // Set flag to 1
var iter = 0; // Set iter to 0

	doSomething(flag); // Check if flag status has changed
	++iter;            // Increment iter if status not changed

console.log(iter);    // Print the iter value

2. Use consistent case throughout your documents.

Bad Code πŸ‘Ž:

var foo_bar = "Bad example";
var fooBar  = "You should avoid it";

Good Code πŸ‘:

var fooBarA = "Consistent case";
var fooBarB = "is more readable";

3. Use user-friendly names for variables, functions, and classes.

Bad Code πŸ‘Ž:

var x = { 
		"javascript": "is amazing", 
		"best practice": "user-friendly names" 


Good Code πŸ‘:

var json = { 
		"javascript": "is amazing", 
		"best practice": "user-friendly names" 


4. Use proper and consistent indentations and spacing.

Bad Code πŸ‘Ž:

function thisIsAnExample( args ){
	var iter=0;
	var iterSecondary = 1;
	var iterTertiary= 2;
	return iter+ iterSecondary + iterTertiary;

Good Code πŸ‘:

function thisIsAnExample(args){
	var iter = 0,
		iterSecondary = 1,
		iterTertiary = 2;
	return iter + iterSecondary + iterTertiary;