
[CVPR 2023 - L3D-IVU] PyTorch implementation of "Reliable Student: Addressing Noise in Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection"

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Reliable Student: Addressing Noise in Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection

This is the official implementation of the paper "Reliable Student: Addressing Noise in Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection".


Evaluation results on the KITTI dataset.

Labeled Percent 1% 2%
Method Car Pedestrian Cyclist Car Pedestrian Cyclist
PV-RCNN 74.1 31.7 28.8 76.8 40.4 42.3
3DIoUMatch (Baseline) 76.4 35.7 36.0 78.9 47.0 53.3
ReliableStudent 77.0 41.9 36.4 79.5 53.0 59.0


# Create a conda environment
conda create -n reliable_student python=3.8
conda activate reliable_student

# Install PyTorch 1.7.1 with CUDA 11.0
conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch

# Install spconv 1.2.1
git clone -b v1.2.1 https://github.com/traveller59/spconv.git --recursive
cd spconv
python setup.py bdist_wheel
python -m pip install ./dist/spconv-1.2.1-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl
cd ..

# Clone the repo, install requirements and compile
git clone https://github.com/fnozarian/ReliableStudent.git
cd ReliableStudent
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py develop

Getting Started

Data Preparation

Please refer to Data Preparation to generate the data splits or use the baseline data we provide.


# Single GPU (e.g., A100-80GB)
python -u pretrain.py \
    --cfg_file ./cfgs/kitti_models/pv_rcnn.yaml \
    --batch_size 8 \
    --split train_0.01_1 \
    --extra_tag train_0.01_1 \
    --ckpt_save_interval 4 \
    --repeat 10 \
    --dbinfos kitti_dbinfos_train_0.01_1_37.pkl

# Multi-GPU with Slurm (e.g., A100-40GB x2)
srun -p A100-40GB --job-name=pretrain_0.01_1 --ntasks=2 \
    --gpus-per-task=1 --cpus-per-task=3 \
    --mem=60GB --kill-on-bad-exit=1 python -u pretrain.py \
    --cfg_file ./cfgs/kitti_models/pv_rcnn.yaml --batch_size 8 \
    --launcher slurm --split train_0.01_1 --extra_tag train_0.01_1 \
    --ckpt_save_interval 4 --repeat 10 \
    --dbinfos kitti_dbinfos_train_0.01_1_37.pkl


# Single GPU (e.g., A100-80GB)
python -u train.py \
    --cfg_file ./cfgs/kitti_models/pv_rcnn_ssl_60.yaml \
    --batch_size 8 \
    --launcher slurm \
    --split train_0.01_1 \
    --extra_tag train_0.01_1 \
    --ckpt_save_interval 2 \
    --pretrained_model "../output/cfgs/kitti_models/pv_rcnn/split_0.01_1/ckpt/checkpoint_epoch_80.pth" \
    --repeat 5 \
    --dbinfos kitti_dbinfos_train_0.01_1_37.pkl
# Multi-GPU with Slurm (e.g., A100-40GB x2)
srun -p A100-40GB --job-name=train_0.01_1 --ntasks=2 \
    --gpus-per-task=1 --cpus-per-task=3 \
    --mem=60GB --kill-on-bad-exit=1 python -u train.py \
    --cfg_file ./cfgs/kitti_models/pv_rcnn_ssl_60.yaml \
    --batch_size 8 --launcher slurm --split train_0.01_1 \
    --extra_tag train_0.01_1 --ckpt_save_interval 2 \
    --pretrained_model "../output/cfgs/kitti_models/pv_rcnn/split_0.01_1/ckpt/checkpoint_epoch_80.pth" \
    --repeat 5 --dbinfos kitti_dbinfos_train_0.01_1_37.pkl


Our code is based on 3DIoUMatch-PVRCNN and OpenPCDet v0.5. Thanks OpenPCDet Development Team for their awesome codebase.

This work has been funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMB+F) in the project MOMENTUM.


If you find this work useful, please consider citing:

    author    = {Nozarian, Farzad and Agarwal, Shashank and Rezaeianaran, Farzaneh and Shahzad, Danish and Poibrenski, Atanas and M\"uller, Christian and Slusallek, Philipp},
    title     = {Reliable Student: Addressing Noise in Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {4980-4989}