
The expense tracker application written in Vue3 composition API, typescript and use Pinia state management

Primary LanguageTypeScript

# Expense Tracker Application

This is a well-organized expense tracker application that helps you manage your finances effectively. Let's dive into its features and planned enhancements.

Initial Data Load

Question: Do we have to load all items from the Pinia store when the page loads?

Answer: The decision of loading all items on page load depends on your specific use case and the number of transactions you expect. Here are some considerations:

  • Small Datasets: If you expect a relatively small number of transactions, loading them upfront might be acceptable for faster initial display.
  • Large Datasets: For a large number of transactions, consider lazy loading (load more on scroll) or pagination for improved performance and user experience. This avoids overwhelming users with all data at once.

Ultimately, weigh the benefits of initial data availability against potential performance impacts.

Enhancements Planned

  • Eslint Rules: Enforce consistent coding style and best practices with ESLint for cleaner code and easier collaboration.
  • Husky: Automate pre-commit checks (e.g., linting, formatting) with Husky to ensure code quality before pushing to a repository.
  • Playwright Testing: Implement Playwright for writing automated tests to ensure application functionality and prevent regressions as your code evolves.

Feature Wishlist

  • Search Feature: Allow users to efficiently search for specific transactions by title or amount, enhancing usability.
  • Delete Entire Transactions: Implement a button or option to remove all transactions in a single action, streamlining cleanup for power users.
  • Transaction Scrolling: If a large number of transactions exceeds a certain limit, introduce a smooth scrolling experience to avoid overwhelming the user's view.
  • Transaction Limit: Consider setting a limit (e.g., 500) on the number of transactions displayed to optimize performance and avoid overwhelming the UI.
  • Theming: Offer a dark mode (black and white theme) to provide users with a visual preference and adjustability for better viewing experience in different environments.
  • Login: Implement a login system using either local storage or a database like Firebase to enable data persistence across sessions and potentially unlock additional features like user-specific transaction management.

Additional Notes

  • Prioritize these enhancements based on your needs and available resources.
  • Provide clear documentation for any additional configuration or dependencies for the planned features.

Miscellaneous information to test :

  • to start recording tests you need to run npx playwright codegen command, a browser windows will open and test inspector, you can copy the target elements directly
  • to start a specific test script, you can run npx playwright test scriptName, where scriptname is the name of the script, the words that scriptname contains