
Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT



  • As a user (of the application) I can see my current location on a map
  • As a user I can save a short note at my current location
  • As a user I can see notes that I have saved at the location they were saved on the map
  • As a user I can see the location, text, and user-name of notes other users have saved
  • As a user I have the ability to search for a note based on contained text or user-name



Implicit Requirements Identified

  • Authentication is necessary for the app to function properly and securely
  • Email must be unique
  • Back end persistence is required for landmark remarks to be stored by users.
  • Login, Signup, Already logged in check and Logout should be added.

Build instructions

  • Install Xcode
  • Install CocoaPods
  • cd into repo
  • Install dependencies using pod install
  • Open LandmarkRemark.xcworkspace



  • Firebase
  • MBProgressHUD


I prefer to apply MVVM. I've used SOLID design principals to make app testable


MVVM adds more encapsulation on top of MVC. Each View has a dedicated ViewModel that handles all the updates to View. View and View Model can be binded using reactive frameworks such as RxSwift but I choose to use protocols. The View does not contain any logic, thus we avoid testing it.


  • Mediocre complexity.
  • Scalable.
  • Easier to write unit tests.


  • If not careful you can still end up creating Massive View Model.



Time spent

  • Understand requirements & setup initial project: 1.0 hour

  • Setup & integrate Firebase: 1.0 hour

  • Login and Sign up: 2.0 hour

  • Show user location and display annotation on map: 3.0 hours

  • Adding a remark note: 1.0 hour

  • Implement search/filter remarks: 1.0 hour

  • Restructuring the code - custom cell and view model for search list view: 1.0 hour

  • Other implicit functionalities: 1.0 hours

  • Code clean up and minor improvements: 2.0 hours

  • Readme/Documentation: 1.5 hour

  • Total time: 14.5 hours


  • Firestore SDK build time( takes noticeable amount of time)
  • Firestore limitation for querying/searching contained text for any field(it only supports exact keyword match for now)
  • Because of cloud firestore's limitation, I had to fetch all landmark remark records and serach filter remark keywords records locally (using swift higher order function)