
Support Code and Guides for the Deccan Ruby PostgreSQL workshop

Primary LanguageRuby

Installation and Setup for: What Lies Beneath ( your models )

This guide will help you install the optimal setup in order to have a productive time at the workshop. Guide is currently written for Mac OS X, but it easy enough to follow along for any modern Linux distribution as well.


  1. Operating system: Mac OS X or Ubuntu recommended. Microsoft Windows is not supported
  2. Command line: Terminal, iTerm, etc.
  3. Any Ruby version manager that supports .ruby-version file. Recommended: rbenv. Other options: chruby or rvm
  4. Ruby 2.3.x
  5. Rails 5.x.x
  6. PostgreSQL 9.5.4 and above
  7. A working PostgreSQL client.
    1. Recommend: psql, comes bundled with PostgresSQL
    2. Other options: pgcli , Postico
  8. Git. Using a git repo to save your work is recommended, revisiting your Git history at a later date is quite valuable.
  9. Your everyday code editor / IDE, configured to be used with Ruby, and Rails. We highly recommend that you use your regular setup, in order to avoid any friction with editing.



  1. Check if you already have PostgreSQL installed.
    1. pg_config --version. If this errors, you probably don't have PG installed.
    2. If it shows a version, you're set. Move on to the next section. Note: If you PostgreSQL version is older than 9.5.x, you should think about upgrading. The guides will help with that: Guide 1, Guide 2
  2. For a fresh installation, homebrew is recommended.
  3. brew update && brew install postgresql
  4. Follow the instructions from brew install to initialise a PG database and start the service. If you're stuck with some error, and Googling around isn't helping, reach out to us.
  5. At this point psql should start without errors. And you should be able to run a query like:
# select version();

 PostgreSQL 9.5.6 on x86_64-apple-darwin16.4.0, compiled by Apple LLVM version 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1), 64-bit
(1 row)

Ruby Version Manager

Follow the installation instructions from the respective websites:

rbenv: https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv#installation chruby: https://github.com/postmodern/chruby#install rvm: https://rvm.io/rvm/install


rbenv install 2.4.1 gem install bundler


  1. Fork this Repo to your own Github account.
  2. Clone your repo, by following instructions from GitHub.
  3. cd drc-pg-workshop
  4. Check Ruby version: ruby -v should show 2.4.1
  5. bundle install
  6. rails db:setup for creating databases and running migrations

Test if everything is working

./bin/rake should work without errors, if it does, you're all set.

Chat, and further help

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/drc-pg-workshop/Lobby