
Discord API Wrapper for Roblox Lua (Synapse X).

Primary LanguageLua

rdiscord.lua 0.2

Discord API Wrapper for Roblox Lua (Synapse X)

Currently being worked on.
For now you can only receive and send messages.


Since most exploits don't support wss websockets, you will need to use a helper python script in order to make it work. This version only supports Synapse X as for now. Support for other/custom exploits will be added soon. Steps to follow:

  1. Download and install Python if you haven't already.
  2. Install the package websockets through pip > pip install websockets via cmd or powershell.
  3. Clone helper.py to your Desktop or any other location.
  4. Run the helper script via cmd or powershell py helper.py. Now you are free to load the lua library and experiment with it!

Working Example

local rdiscord = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danisty/rdiscord.lua/main/rdiscord.lua", true))()
local client = rdiscord.Client()

client:on("connect", function()

client:on("ready", function()
    warn("Bot Ready!")

client:on("message", function(msg)
    print(string.format("%s said %s", msg.author.username .. "#" .. msg.author.discriminator, msg.content))
    if msg.content:match("!ping") and not msg.author.bot then
