
a project for the Hackathon For Good

Primary LanguageRuby


Donate It! is an idea built from the Hackbright for Good Hackathon.

We noticed that HandUp.us is a great site that gets donations of money to people in need. But we also realized that many people in the Bay Area have extra items they don’t use, that they’d be happy to donate if a specific person wanted it. That old computer someone doesn’t use anymore, for example, could allow a low-income person to search for a new job.

This app was built as a corollary to the HandUp site (one of the executives for HandUp was a judge for the hackathon, so we hoped he’d like the idea and run with it).

The idea came from my partner at the hackathon, and we worked on the app architecture together, but all of the code is mine. I’ve been slowly refining it since the day I made it and it’s still a work in progress.

Donate It! was built on Ruby 2.1.0 and Rails 4.0.2

I haven’t yet hooked up a home page, so for now you’ll want to go to the urls /members and /items to use the app if you run it on localhost.