
Round 3 of working for Pierre's Bakery - this time building a client-facing application for orders with authentication in Identity.

Primary LanguageC#

Pierre's Bakery, For Customers

Independent Project for Epicodus Coding School on Identity in ASP.NET Core MVC, Entity Framework, & Many-to-Many Relationships

Project Began on 1.15.2021. Last Updated 1.18.2021.

By Danielle Thompson


Find me on GitHub | LinkedIn | Email: danithompson74 [at] gmail.com



Table of Contents generated with DocToc


After building a console app for orders at Pierre's Bakery, and a follow-up project to track his orders & vendors, Pierre is back for more. This round, Pierre would like an application with user authentication and a many-to-many relationship between his sweet and savory treats. This application will have the follow MVP features for the client:

  • User authentication with log in/log out functionality.
  • All users will have read functionality, but only logged in customers can create, update, and delete items.
  • Treats and Flavors will have a many-to-many relationship. A treat can have many flavors (e.g. sweet, savory, spicy, creamy), and a flavor can have many treats (e.g. sweet --> chocolate croissants, cheesecake, etc).
  • The user will be initially navigated to a splash page listing all treats and flavors that can be individually clicked on to see further details.

SQL Design Plan

Known bugs

(Resolved) As of 1.18.2021 at 7:42pm, if an item is deleted with an join entries still attached to it, the remaining join entry pages will throw exceptions. Not sure why this is happening as my "Delete" controllers & MySQL database matches previous projects where the same route path worked. Attempted: nullable join table IDs in migrations, models, & MySQL; updating MySQL's join table under foreign keys to "CASCADE" on delete. Join entry still exists in the join table, so it appears that the save method in controller for joinEntry is not actually removing the joinId from the database.

Update: As of 1.24.2021 at 3:33pm, the above issue with deleting entries with affiliated join entries is resolved. Changed FlavorSweetId in var JoinEntry to just FlavorId in Flavors Controller and to SweetId in Sweets Controller, and no exceptions are thrown now.

(Low Priority) CSS styling for changing text link colors and hover colors not working.

(Resolved) Bootstrap carousel does not yet click through to the next two images. The browser with the live application was not recognizing Bootstrap's "carousel" method.

(Medium Priority) Able to resize Bootstrap carousel images, but now they are not centered in the carousel object. Tried adding center-block to class name of images in Home Index, and margin: auto to CSS stylesheet to no avail yet.

Report bugs here.

Color Theme

  • Eggshell #F2EFE9
  • Warm tan #BFAC95
  • Soft brown #8C7974
  • Deep slate #524D59
  • Chestnut #403A3F

Stretch Goals

  • Get styling on all text links not blue.
  • Add an order form for entries.
  • Create a multiple-many relationship between Savory, Sweet, and Flavors (altering the currently Sweets page and adding Savory). Flavor would serve as an ingredient list, more for back-end administrator use to find associated recipes, etc, while Savory and Sweet would be the two main splash page lists that a customer could log in and order through the order form.
  • Upon registering or logging in, I would have the View return a message to the user if their password didn't meet the login criteria, either upon attempted creation or attempted login. Currently, there are some added data annotations and HTML classes added to help with this, but more testing needs to be done to ensure full functionality.

Technologies Used/Required

Installation Requirements

Installing Git

For Mac Users
  • Access Terminal in your Finder, and open a new window. Install the package manager, (Homebrew) [https://brew.sh/], on your device by entering this line of code in Terminal: $ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)".
  • Ensure Homebrew packages are run with this line of code: echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile.
  • Once homebrew is installed, install Git, a version control system for code writers, with this line of code brew install git.
For Windows Users

Installing C#, .NET, dotnet script, & MySQL

  • Install C# and .Net according to your operating system below.
For Mac
  • Download this .NET Core SDK (Software Development Kit)[https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/thank-you/dotnet-sdk-2.2.106-macos-x64-installer]. Clicking this link will prompt a .pkg file download from Microsoft.
  • Open the .pkg file. This will launch an installer which will walk you through installation steps. Use the default settings the installer suggests.
  • Confirm the installation is successful by opening your terminal and running the command $ dotnet --version, which should return something like: 2.2.105.
For Windows (10+)
  • Download either the 64-bit .NET Core SDK (Software Development Kit)[https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/thank-you/dotnet-sdk-2.2.203-windows-x64-installer]. Clicking these links will prompt an .exe file download from Microsoft.
  • Open the file and follow the steps provided by the installer for your OS.
  • Confirm the installation is successful by opening a new Windows PowerShell window and running the command dotnet --version. You should see something a response like this: 2.2.105.

For Mac & Windows Operating Systems

  • Install dotnet script with the following terminal command dotnet tool install -g dotnet-script.

Clone or Download the Project

To Clone
  1. Once you have Git installed on your computer, go to this (GitHub repository)[https://github.com/dani-t-codes/BakeryMarketing.Solution].
  2. Click the Green 'Code' button.
  3. Copy the HTTPS link, and open a Terminal or CMD on your local system.
  4. In the Terminal/CMD, navigate to your Desktop with the command cd Desktop.
  5. Clone this application onto your local Terminal or CMD with the following command:git clone https://github.com/dani-t-codes/BakeryMarketing.Solution.git.
  6. Navigate to the project from your Terminal/Cmd with the command cd BakeryMarketing.Solution.
To Download
  1. Alternatively, click the Green 'Code' button from the GitHub repository listed above.
  2. Select the "Download Zip" from the dropdown options.
  3. Open/unzip the file that has been downloaded to your local system.
  4. Open VSCode, or another code editor of your choice, and navigate to the unzipped file folder from File>Open...>BakeryMarketing.Solution to view the project.
.NET Core Commands

When the project is opened on your local machine...

  • dotnet restore to install packages listed in project's boilerplate.
  • dotnet build will get bin/ and obj/ folders downloaded.
  • dotnet run will run the application.

(Ensure you are in the project's root directory, Bakery, in your Terminal/CMD before running these commands.)

Setting up a Local Database

  • Download MySQL Server.
  • (Note: If you need additional assistance setting up MySQL, visit their site for further instructions.
  • Download MySQL Workbench.
  • Run dotnet ef migrations add Initial --> If there is an error stating "Unable to resolve project", this means the command wasn't run in the correct directory.
  • Entity creates three files in the Migrations directory.
  • Run the following command: dotnet ef database update.

MySQL Password Protection & .gitignore

  1. Create a file in the root directory of the project called "appsettings.json". Add the following snippet of code to the appsettings.json file:
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=danielle_thompson_bakery;uid=root;pwd=YOUR-PASSWORD-HERE;"
  1. Where you see "YOUR-PASSWORD-HERE" is where you put the password you created for your MySQL server. Your server name and port might vary depending on your local system. Check MySQL Workbench Connections to determine if the local host and port number match and adjust as needed.

  2. If doing any editing or adding to the project, create a .gitignore file and add the following files & folders to it:

  • obj/
  • bin/
  • .vscode/
  • .DS_Store
  • appsettings.json

Import Database in MySQL Workbench (filename: danielle_thompson_bakery)

  1. Open MySQL Workbench and a Terminal/CMD. Run the command line mysql -uroot-p[YOUR-PASSWORD] with your password in the proper place to open a server.
  2. From the top navigation bar, select 'Server' > 'Data Import'.
  3. Select the option 'Import from Self-Contained File'.
  4. Click the '...' button to navigate to the project file folder Bakery and select danielle_thompson_bakery.sql.
  5. Set 'Default Target Schema' or create new schema.
  6. Select the schema objects you would like to import
  7. To finalize, click 'Start Import'.

Import Database with Entity Framework Core

  1. From your Terminal/CMD, navigate to the root directory of the project: cd Desktop/BakeryMarketing.Solution/Factory.
  2. Run the command dotnet ef database update to create the database on your local system.
  3. If any updates to the database are needed with code changes, run dotnet ef migrations add <NewMigrationNameHere>, then dotnet ef database update to complete the update.


This software is licensed under the MIT License. Copyright (c) 2021 Danielle Thompson