Openfort challenge

This repository contains the Openfort Swapper smart contract, which allows the swapping of ERC20 tokens to Stablecoins and the distribution of the Stablecoins to specified recipients. The contract uses Uniswap V3 for swapping and includes a fee mechanism. You can read all challenge at


  • Git
  • Foundry: You'll need to install foundry to get this project run and test. Here you can see how to install it.

Development decisions

  • Usage of UniswapV3 Swapper: I needed to swap between ERC20 tokens so I decided to use a library provided by Uniswap. It helps me to swap from ERC20 token to another ERC20 token. I choose UniswapV3 because is one of the most used DEX and supports many Networks.
  • Fees: When there's any swap owners can set a fee. This fee is sended to owner's contract in USDC, to make it easier ERC20 Tokens management. So we don't have many ERC20 Tokens in owner address.
  • Ownable: For managing smart contract ownership, I've used the Openzeppelin libraries. These are a secure and audited implementations and it helps to not reinventing the wheel.

Missing features

There are some features that I had no time to implement but I want to type what would I have done.

  • Timing: When timing is set to immediately, the code would remain the same as it currently is. However, for delayed swap and transfer (once per day, weekly, etc.), I would have updated the code so that when swap occur, I store all swap data into an array (source token, amount, recipients), and when the time is met (manually triggered by owner) swap and send all transactions in that array.

  • Pausable: I've seen that there's a Pausable library from Openzeppelin to stop if needed the Smart Contract. So I would have used this library. Just extends this and use modifiers in functions.


  1. First of all clone this repository in your local pc.
git clone
  1. Copy .env.example to .env and replace placeholder data for real data. For local development you can leave this file blank.
  2. Then run:
$ make install

This will install all git modules needed.


There is a Makefile with most common commands to be used in project. These are helpful for development and testing stages. You can open it and use it. To start running this just follow this steps:

  1. Run make anvil to start development environment.
  2. Run make deploy-anvil to deploy all contracts.


At script/InteractWithSwapper.s.sol you can see all interactions available with OpenFortSwapper. You can open it and change values. Just use it from Makefile. Interactions available.

  1. Run make swap to run a swap.

Then you can see output like:

== Logs ==
  USDC Token add: 0xE6E340D132b5f46d1e472DebcD681B2aBc16e57E
  MATIC Token add: 0x09635F643e140090A9A8Dcd712eD6285858ceBef
  Swapper is 0x67d269191c92Caf3cD7723F116c85e6E9bf55933
  Openfortswapper is 0xc3e53F4d16Ae77Db1c982e75a937B9f60FE63690

  Before: Sender MATIC balance 20000000000000000000
  Before: Recipient 0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8 USDC balance: 0
  Before: Recipient 0x3C44CdDdB6a900fa2b585dd299e03d12FA4293BC USDC balance: 0
  After: Sender MATIC balance 18000000000000000000
  After: Recipient 0 USDC balance: 970000000000000000
  After: Recipient 1 USDC balance: 970000000000000000

First of all there's all deployed contract addresses. Then initial balances from sender and recipients and finally all balances after swap.

  1. Run make set-fee to change fee. Or make get-fee to get it.

  2. Run make set-recipients to change stablecoin recipients. Or make get-recipients to get it.


  • Anvil network (development)
make deploy-anvil

This deployment will set up everything to let you interact with OpenFortSwapper contract.

Interact with contract

There are some interactions to do with swapper that you can found at script/InteractWithSwapper.s.sol. For example to make a swap simply run:

make swap



make test

Contracts and testnets

This Openfort Swapper has been deployed in Sepolia Testnet. All deployed contracts available in Etherscan.


Stablecoin: 0xD6C223DDe25E6FF9CedE6DeF54AF896841644291
ERC20Token (MockMaticToken): 0xf1896c4d0b81f41df70a722a1841b8a0789745d2


OpenfortSwapper: 0x5482437be3b8600b238ddae9433ea6407919457c
ISwapRouter (MockSwapRouter): 0x64678314e79781c33a4f9c347d2da58b31866875


Daniel Tomé Fernández