
A VS Code extension generator for any textX language project

Primary LanguagePython

VS Code Extension Generator for textX Languages

A textX generator which outputs simple, installable VS Code extension from a registered textX language project.

It is used primary by textX-LS project when generating and installing textX languages.

CLI Examples

Generate a VS Code extension for tx_workflow project packaged in archive:

textx generate examples/workflow/tx_workflow/workflow.tx -o . --target=vscode --project_name tx-workflow

Generate a VS Code extension for tx_workflow project packaged in installable vsix format:

textx generate examples/workflow/tx_workflow/workflow.tx -o . --target=vscode --project_name tx-workflow --vsix True

Other Notes

  • textX language project should be registrated in order generator to find it by passed project name
  • path to the grammar (examples/workflow/tx_workflow/workflow.tx) is not used for now, but idea is to be able to create project from it