
A collection of bash scripts to build lxqt on slackware

Primary LanguageShell

LXQT on Slackware

A collection of scripts to let you build LXQT 0.15.0 on Slackware

Getting Started

If you want to build lxqt on Slackware these scripts will help you. I tried to make every step trivial but I can't be sure these instructions will work on every system. If you want to build different versions of LXQT those script will probably not work unless you modify them.


In order to build LXQT on Slackware you'll need a few packages from SlackBuilds.org, here's the list:

  • openbox - SBo
  • imlib2 (optional for openbox) - SBo
  • muParser - SBo
  • libstatgrab - SBo
  • libconfig - SBo

Then I used AlienBob's ktown repository and installed his KDE5 packages, I've used the PAM enabled packages because I recently converted my slackware64-current to PAM, so if you decide to go the non-PAM way, I have no idea if you'll be able to build without the need for patches. The latest set of packages for KDE5 from AlienBob are here --> ktown


Before we get to start building we need to do a few things:

  • Check prerequisite packages to ensure that we have all dependancies:
    • after running this script we'll have a log of all the installed dependancies as well as hints on where to find those packages we are missing.
    • a little notice regarding gtk+2 and gtk+3, even if those 2 packages are installed, my script doesn't see them, I think it has something to do with the way regex works and the fact that there's a + in the name, but I didn't investigate much. Bottom line, if you have them installed you're good to go!
  • Download the source tree, this operation will also give us the version numbers for every package
    • this script will generate a versioning file containing all the version numbers for the packages.

Building and Installing

Now we have everything we need, with a little luck we don't need to do much except:

sh build_all.sh

and after a while we should see our packages inside the packages directory.

Tested on

I tested this bunch of scripts on a fresh install of slackware64-current updated on 24/04/2020, the system is running inside a chroot that I reinstall fresh everytime I have to build something. If your system is not so clean YMMV as you can imagine.


Feel free to contribute however you feel like.


  • Danilo 'danix' Macrì - owner - danix.xyz


This project is licensed under the GPLv3 - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Huge thans to AlienBob whose original lxqt slackbuilds I've used and modified to write this set
  • Of course all the people behind LXQT, what they do is amazing and I can't thank them enough.