Niharika Arora
AboutNote: Follow her here for more updates. Also, to know what she is upto these days, check her recent contributions here.
Niharika Arora is working as a Developer Relations Engineer for Android at Google since August, 2021. She was previously a Google Developer Expert for Android.
She started her career as an Android Developer with company like myPAT Delhi & Cube26 and her previous organization was 1mg.
She is an active technical blogger and started her journey as a speaker from Android Developers group,Delhi.She had completed her graduation from JCBOSE YMCAUST,Faridabad.
She is an interactive person ,a good listener and can convey her thoughts clearly. A Big time fitness freak and an avid partygoer who love to dance adds a wow factor in her persona, she can handle the questions well and is a Solution seeker which creates a healthy environment in her workplace.
She was invited by Truepush for a PODCAST telling "The story behind the inception of India's Contact Tracing app".
Apart from coding stuff, She loves to mentor people with their queries regarding their career, latest trends, architecture and best practices. She is a WomenTech Global ambassador as well.
She was one of the panellist for Google DevFest India 2020.
Recently, She got featured on Android Developers Blog.
She has also been recognized by IndiaMentor for her contributions towards the community.
- Contributor at AarogyaSetu app and served the country in this tough times. Aarogya Setu is a mobile application developed by the Government of India to connect essential health services with the people of India in our combined fight against COVID-19. The App is aimed at augmenting the initiatives of the Government of India, particularly the Department of Health, in proactively reaching out to and informing the users of the app regarding risks, best practices and relevant advisories pertaining to the containment of COVID-19.
- Invited for Interview on AarogyaSetu with Pawan Kumar(GDE) on MtechViral Youtube Live Streaming for Android Stream Day(8-9th August 2020).
- Got a chance to tech edit an article on Activity Recognition API Tutorial for Android: Getting Started
- Tech Reviewer at Packt Publishing for the book How to build Android apps with Kotlin
- Recro Webinar on Unit Testing- Why, What and How on Sep,5 2020. This event had approx. 350 registrations and 176 attendees.
- Appointed as WomenTech Global Ambassador
- Webinar on Understanding the core of AarogyaSetu App: Bluetooth(PPT link) on July 11th,2020 at Android Developers Group,Delhi meetup
- Article on Android Development | Best Practices, posted in ProAndroidDev Digest #24
- Article on How I resolved BadTokenException for Toast#handleShow()?.
- Article on Understanding the core of Aarogya Setu App: Bluetooth explaining the bluetooth implementation for AarogyaSetu App
- Article on Pitfalls in WebView Implementation
- Speaker at Android Developers Group,Delhi meetup: *Unit Testing in Android * on Feb 22, 2020
- Joined ProAndroidDev as a Writer and AarogyaSetu as an Editor.
Coolest \m/
- Contributor at AarogyaSetu app which was developed in less than 15 days.(Optimizations and feature enhacements are still on)
Aarogya Setu is a mobile application developed by the Government of India to connect essential health services with the people of India in our combined fight against COVID-19. The App is aimed at augmenting the initiatives of the Government of India, particularly the Department of Health, in proactively reaching out to and informing the users of the app regarding risks, best practices and relevant advisories pertaining to the containment of COVID-19. - Got Award of Chancellor Gold Medal for JCBOSE,YMCAUST 2011-2015 Batch by Honourable State Governor.
- Speaker at Google for Startups to talk about Make your app Production Ready
- Panellist at CodeAid to discuss FOMO in Android Development
- Featured on Corporate Insight Simply TWO Book Series.
- Speaker at Droidcon APAC 2020
- Judge at OctaHacks 3.0
- Speaker at DSC Android Study Jams
- Speaker at Kotlin Kolkata for talk "Make Your App Production Ready"
- Article on How RecyclerView works internally? shared in Korean language.
- Speaker at DevFest-India 2020
- Featured for guidance around BLE architecture.
- Featured in ProAndroid Weekly Digest
- Article on How RecyclerView works internally? featured in MobDevsCafe's Newsletter
- Article on Android Learning Resources featured in Dor Moshe's Android NewsLetter
- Article on Android Scoped Storage Demistyfied featured in Dor Moshe's Android Newsletter
- Article on Android’s Attribute android:allowBackup Demystified got featured in OnCreate Digest Android newsletter
- Her library wrapper for fixing Toast BadTokenException has more than 250 downloads so far within few months.
- Article on How I resolved BadTokenException for Toast#handleShow()? got TRENDING on LinkedIn and on ProAndroidDev for a month since the day it got published.
- Article on Understanding the core of Aarogya Setu App: Bluetooth got TRENDING on LinkedIn.
- Featured in Droidcon Today's Highlight for the article
- Featured in Droidcon Today's Highlight for the article How I resolved WindowManager.BadTokenException for Toast#handleShow()?
- Featured in Medium Daily Digest Today's Highlight for the article Pitfalls in Android WebView Implementation
- Featured in Medium Daily Digest Do read articles for Is your app not listed on Google play for some Tablet devices?
- Created ToastHandler library to fix WindowManager.BadToastException happening on Android 25
- Her Articles like Memory Management in Android , Top Android Interview Questions , Unit Testing in MVVM+Kotlin+DataBinding and many others come in Top searches on Google.
- Research on different ViewGroups for better layout performance using Systrace and other tools, created one sample application for demonstrating the results
Social Links
Community Experience
- Recro Webinar on Unit Testing- Why, What and How on Sep,5 2020.
- Webinar on Understanding the core of AarogyaSetu App: Bluetooh on July 11th,2020 at Android Developers Group,Delhi meetup
- Speaker at Android Developers Group,Delhi meetup: *Unit Testing in Android * on Feb 22, 2020, (PPT Link) & (Youtube Link)
- Writer at Better Programming, ProAndroidDev, The Startup and Noteworthy
- Editor at AarogyaSetu and 1mg
- Volunteer : Droidcon India, 2019 2nd-3rd Nov, 2019
- Member : WomenDroid, Bangalore, WomenTechMakers, Android Developers Group, blrDroid
- WomenTech Global Ambassador
- Speaker at DevFest India 2020
- Speaker at Droidcon APAC 2020
- Speaker at Android Worldwide 2021
- Speaker at WomendDroid 2021
- Speaker at SPEC__NITH hackathon
- Tech Editor at
Technical Writing Experience
She likes to share her findings and experiments with the community and here's a list of the articles written by her:
- August, 2021 - Activity Recognition API Tutorial for Android: Getting Started
- January, 2021 - Android Data Binding: Under the Hood Part-3
- December, 2020 - Android Data Binding: Under the Hood Part-2
- Novemeber, 2020 - Android Data Binding: Under the Hood Part-1
- September, 2020 - How RecyclerView works internally?
- August,2020 - Android Learning Resources
- August, 2020 - Android Scoped Storage Demystified
- August, 2020 - Android’s Attribute android:allowBackup Demystified
- July, 2020 : Android Development | Best Practices
- June, 2020 : How I resolved WindowManager.BadTokenException for Toast#handleShow()?
- June, 2020 : Understanding the core of Aarogya Setu App: Bluetooth
- June, 2020 : Pitfalls in Android WebView Implementation
- Feb, 2020 : Is your app not listed in Google Play for some of the tablet devices?
- Jan, 2020 : A Battle towards Performance -ConstraintLayout vs Other Layouts Part -3
- Nov, 2019 : A Battle towards Performance- Understanding Systrace and Overdraw (Part -2)
- Oct, 2019 : A Battle towards Performance- Constraint Layout vs Other Layouts(Part -1)
- Sep, 2019 : Why setMinWidth and setMinimumWidth both??
- June, 2019 : Unit Testing in MVVM+Kotlin+DataBinding
- March, 2019 : RecyclerView android:layoutAnimation not working
- Feb, 2019 : Mismatch Sender ID issue while migrating from GCM to FCM
- Jul, 2018 : Top Android Interview Questions
- Dec, 2017 : The Promise Of Augmented Reality In Education
- Nov, 2017 : Android Studio Plugins that will save you hundreds of hours :-)
- Oct, 2017 : Memory Management in Android
Her articles like Memory Management in Android , Top Android Interview Questions etc. comes in top searches on Google.
In addition to the above articles, there are many more lying in the "Drafts" which will be posted soon.Stay Tuned!! :P
Open Source Projects
She has the following open-source demo projects :
- ToastHandler (An Android library for handling Toast BadTokenException happening on Android API level 25 and showing Toast smoothly on All Android versions.)
- Custom Zxing Scanner for scanning Jjwt token- An Android Application for generating QR code using Json Web Token (JWT) and Custom Scanner with scanning rectangle(square with Borders around) for more focus to scan the QR code accurately.
- Unit Testing in MVVM-Koin-Coroutines - A Sample Android Application for writing Unit tests in MVVM architecture using Koin as dependency injection framework and Coroutines for network call(Long blocking tasks).
- MVP-Dagger-Retrofit Sample - A Sample Application demonstrating implementation of MVP architecture using Dagger as dependency injection framework and Retrofit for network call.
- Layout Performance Analysis - A Demo Application with different XMLs developed using different viewgroups for same UI screens to measure layout performance.Please go through the Medium Blog for the results.
- SectionedRecyclerView - A Sample project explaining how to create sections in Recyclerview with Pixel perfect UI, given a sample input.
- Android-DS-Java Interview Questions Repo - A repository containing interview questions on DS, Java & Android based on my experiences.
- Android Development-Best Practices - With best practices under your fingertips, you will not lose precious time on reinventing the wheel. Instead, you can focus on writing quality code and getting the job done.
- ScopedStorageDemo - A sample project explaining Scoped storage with different operations performed on file as well as Image.
- Android Learning Resources - A repository containing link/resources to small, basic as well as specific android concepts.
- MovieTray - Its a playground application focusing on Paging3, MVVM architecture, Kotlin Extension functions, Retrofit, DSL, Navigation component, MotionLayout, SharedElementTransition, Single Activity Architecture, DataStore etc.
Checkout the other repositories too :-)
Some Client Projects on Play Store
Thank you for reading this. Happy Coding!!