Welcome! -----------------------------------About--------------------------------------- This is a paint app that was developed for EECS3461 by Richmond Frimpong, Edgar Zaganjori, Daniyal Javed. To compile the project, 1. Open Terminal and navigate to directory where project has been downloaded 2. javac *.java 3. java a2 Our Paint app is aimed to implement a very simple intuitive UI that is easy for end users to use. We feature consistent Icons throughout to make it easier for the user to understand what each button does. We provide the USER with feedback on what each item does. We have implemented many features for our paint app and the feature list goes as follows : a) Pencil - thin brush b) Brush - 3 levels of brushes with pop up menu to choose between strokes c) Load an image i) modify image by stretching zooming, or displacing. d) Word Art e) Color picker for burshes, wordArt f) Fill in background g) Eraser h) Draw single lines i) Draw squares/rectangles i) this includes filled squares/rectangles/translucent j) draw smooth/round edged rectangles/squares i) this includes filled smooth edged shapes/translucent k) draw circles i) this includes filled circles/translucent l) undo method, and a redo method m) zoom feature for canvas if time permits. Make note of special details paid to for example the menu bars where icons are also loaded, and the options are classified to make it more easy for use. This paint app aims to use simple interactions to achieve most usability. -----------------------------Group Meetings------------------------------------ October 21, 2015; 8:30 pm; Daniyal, Richmond and Edgar set up whatsapp group. We brain-stormed ideas for the assignment and began to talk about setting up a repository for the project. October 21, 2015; 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm; Richmond, Daniyal and Edgar met and setup repository: Edgar setup git for everyone. We drew skeleton of our project. Assigned duties and started to work. October 25 2015; 1 pm to 8 pm; Richmond created the paint panel and paint app frame which were responsible for painting. At this point we had only free hand drawing with basic color choosing and icons. Edgar started working on the eraser. Daniyal started working on the shapes. Richmond incorporated all the code together. After this worked remotely via whatsapp and github and uploaded all our changes. November 11 2015; 1 pm to 8 pm; Now we had a working copy to what it is now but with a lot of bugs. Edgar fixed all the bugs and cleaned up code and thoroughly tested. He was also responsible for undo, redo and clear. Richmond created the toolbar, file menus, creating text and all the operational side to the app. Daniyal completed all the different shapes and fixed the colouring with the freehand drawing plus the shapes. October 15 2015; 530 pm to 10 pm November 31 2015; 1 pm to 8 pm; Finalized the assignment and we added more features like rotate which do the effects on the images. -------------------------------End of File-------------------------------------