
*.mdx/*.mdd interpreter js implements

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mdict (*.mdd *.mdx) file reader based on jeka-kiselyov/mdict .

Very thanks to fengdh and jeka-kiselyov.



  1. rename Mdict.js to mdict.js , rename MdictBase.js to mdict-base.js, fix import error on ubuntu.


  1. support search words by prefix associate (the phrase as the words' prefix, not the phrase's prefix as search token just like prefix function)
  2. some security updates

very thanks to @Danjame


  1. ES6 implemention
  2. rewrite the decode code, more readable decode api

v3.1.0 (2018-08-22)

  1. add fuzzy_search method, which supports fuzzy word search


not support browser yet

npm install js-mdict
import Mdict from "js-mdict";

const mdict = new Mdict("mdx/oale8.mdx");
const mdict = new Mdict(dictPath);
  { keyText: "hello",
    definition: "你好",
  [ { roffset: 64744840, key: 'he' },
  { roffset: 65513175, key: 'hell' },
  { roffset: 65552694, key: 'hello' } ]

  let word = "informations";
  mdict.suggest(word).then((sw) => {
    // eslint-disable-next-line
    // [ 'INFORMATION\'S', 'information' ]

  word = "hitch";
  const fws = mdict.fuzzy_search(word, 20, 5);
 [ { key: 'history', rofset: 66627131, ed: 4 },
  { key: 'hit', rofset: 66648124, ed: 2 },
  { key: 'hit back', rofset: 66697464, ed: 4 },
  { key: 'hit back', rofset: 66697464, ed: 4 },
  { key: 'hit big', rofset: 66698789, ed: 4 },
  { key: 'hitch', rofset: 66698812, ed: 0 },
  { key: 'hitched', rofset: 66706586, ed: 2 },
  { key: 'hitcher', rofset: 66706602, ed: 2 },
  { key: 'hitches', rofset: 66706623, ed: 2 },
  { key: 'hitchhike', rofset: 66706639, ed: 4 },
  { key: 'hitchhiker', rofset: 66710697, ed: 5 },
  { key: 'hitching', rofset: 66712273, ed: 3 },
  { key: 'hi-tech', rofset: 66712289, ed: 2 },
  { key: 'hit for', rofset: 66713795, ed: 4 } ]

  console.log(mdict.parse_defination(fws[0].key, fws[0].rofset));

  const matched = mdict.associate("on");
  { recordStartOffset: 97048935, keyText: 'on' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97082810, keyText: 'on about' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97082836, keyText: 'on account' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97085518, keyText: 'on account of' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97085549, keyText: 'on account of sb' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97085580, keyText: 'on account of sb/sth' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97086890, keyText: 'on account of sth' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97086921, keyText: 'on a collision course' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97086970, keyText: 'on aggregate' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97088131, keyText: 'on a hiding to nothing' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97089084, keyText: 'on-air' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97091515, keyText: 'on air' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97091538, keyText: 'on a knife-edge' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97093165, keyText: 'on all fours' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97094283, keyText: 'on all sides' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97094311, keyText: 'on and off' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97094343, keyText: 'on and on' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97095318, keyText: 'on a need-to-know basis' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97096498, keyText: 'on an even keel' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97097359, keyText: 'onanism' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97099666, keyText: 'on a par with' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97099697, keyText: 'on a par with sb' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97099728, keyText: 'on a par with sb/sth' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97100535, keyText: 'on a par with sth' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97100566, keyText: 'on a razor edge' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97100595, keyText: 'on a roll' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97100618, keyText: 'on a shoestring' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97101718, keyText: 'on a short fuse' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97101747, keyText: 'on a silver platter' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97102883, keyText: 'on at to do' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97102915, keyText: 'on automatic pilot' },
  { recordStartOffset: 97102947, keyText: 'on a wing and a prayer' },
  ... 400+ more items
  console.log(mdict.parse_defination(matched[0].keyText, matched[0].recordStartOffset));


Mdict#loading time: 0 sec
Mdict#lookup x 34.17 ops/sec ±0.52% (59 runs sampled)
wooorm#levenshtein x 173,386 ops/sec ±1.51% (88 runs sampled)
Mdict#prefix x 26.98 ops/sec ±5.89% (47 runs sampled)
Mdict#fuzzy_search x 6.89 ops/sec ±8.83% (22 runs sampled)
Mdict#associate x 16.59 ops/sec ±2.94% (44 runs sampled)
Fastest is Mdict#lookup


depreciate if you use js-mdict@3.x, please upgrade to js-mdict@4.0.5+, because js-mdict@3.x was loaded the whole dictionary data to build the index, took a lot of time.

and the api has already changed, please do not use that version.

the api of js-mdict@3.x:

import Mdict from "js-mdict";

const mdict = new Mdict("mdx/oale8.mdx");

// get fuzzy words
fuzzy_words = mdict.fuzzy_search("wrapper", 5, /* fuzzy words size */ 5, /* edit_distance */);

example output:
[ { ed: 0, idx: 108605, key: 'wrapper' },
  { ed: 1, idx: 108603, key: 'wrapped' },
  { ed: 1, idx: 108606, key: 'wrappers' },
  { ed: 3, idx: 108593, key: 'wrangler' },
  { ed: 3, idx: 108598, key: 'wrap' },
  { ed: 3, idx: 108607, key: 'wrapping' },
  { ed: 4, idx: 108594, key: 'wranglers' },
  { ed: 4, idx: 108595, key: 'wrangles' },
  { ed: 4, idx: 108609, key: 'wrappings' } ]
// get definition

depreciate if you use js-mdict @2.0.3, you can use api shown below:

Note: 2.0.3 not supports mdd file, and record info encrypted file

import path from "path";
import Mdict from "js-mdict";

const dictPath = path.join(__dirname, "../resource/Collins.mdx");
const mdict = new Mdict(dictPath);
mdict.build().then((_mdict) => {
  console.log("hello", _mdict.lookup("hello"));
  console.log("world", _mdict.lookup("world"));
  console.log( _mdict.attr());
}).catch((err) => { console.error(err); });

code by terasum with ❤️