An extremely lightweight Asterisk AMI connector
Try out the beta for version 0.2.0 and let us know what you think!
npm install asterisk-ami@0.2.0-beta
Or stick with stable
npm install asterisk-ami
Try out the beta, the docs can be found in the branch beta - Docs
var AsteriskAmi = require('asterisk-ami');
var ami = new AsteriskAmi( { host: 'hostname', username: 'username', password: 'secret' } );
ami.on('ami_data', function(data){
console.log('AMI DATA', data);
//decide between Events and non events here and what to do with them, maybe run an event emitter for the ones you care about
ami.send({action: 'Ping'});//run a callback event when we have connected to the socket
});//connect creates a socket connection and sends the login action
ami.send({action: 'Ping'});
(AMI Data) These give you AMI specific information
- ami_login Called when logging into the ami, no data passed back
- ami_data Called for each event we get back from the AMI, with an object being returned
(net socket events) Use these events to determine the status of the socket connection, as if the socket is disconnected, you would need to add your .on('close') events again, this was a bug in the previous version of asterisk-ami, use these new events instead which will always be called, even if the connection has died and been reconnected.
- ami_socket_drain
- ami_socket_error
- ami_socket_timeout
- ami_socket_end
- ami_socket_close
- ami_socket_unwritable
console.log('connection to AMI socket successful');
}, function(raw_data){
console.log('every time data comes back in the socket, this callback is called, useful for recording stats on data', raw_data);
.disconnect() //logs out of the AMI and then closes the connection, sets reconnect to false so that it wont try and reconnect
.send({action: 'Ping'}) //send an ami call, pass in a javascript object with the params you want to send the ami
.destroy() //terminates the connection to the ami socket if say disconnect fails, or you've lost connection to the ami and you're not using reconnect: true as a param
AsteriskAmi has preset/configurable options, you can set these via an object passed in to AsteriskAmi
- port: Port number for Asterisk AMI, default
- host: Host of Asterisk, default
- username: Username of Asterisk AMI user, default:
- password: Password of Asterisk AMI user, default:
- debug: Do you want debugging output to the screen, default:
- reconnect: Do you want the ami to reconnect if the connection is dropped, default:
- reconnect_after How long to wait to reconnect, in miliseconds, default:
- events Do we want to recieve AMI events, default:
The npm module for this library is maintained by:
asterisk-ami is licensed under the MIT license.