Experimenting with nix flake usage of cargo-script-mvs.
With nix flakes enabled, try this out:
$ nix run github:danjl1100/cargo-script-mvs-flake#script
your lucky number is 123456
check out the built binary location:
Or, more interestingly,
$ nix build github:danjl1100/cargo-script-mvs-flake#script
$ ls result/bin
script script-src
$ cat result/bin/script-src
//! ```cargo
//! [dependencies]
//! rand = "0.8"
//! ```
fn main() {
println!("your lucky number is {}", rand::random::<u16>());
let mut args = std::env::args();
if let Some(first) = args.next() {
println!("\ncheck out the built binary location:");
$ cat result/bin/script
[shell script, setting path then calling script-src]