
Use Elasticsearch as a database in Laravel to retrieve Eloquent models and perform aggregations.

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Use Elasticsearch as a database in Laravel to retrieve Eloquent models and perform aggregations.

Build Elasticsearch queries as you're used to with Eloquent, and get Model instances in return, with some nice extras:

  • Use query, filter and postFilter query types
  • Perform geo searches
  • Build and perform complex aggregations on your data
  • Use the Elasticsearch scroll API to retrieve large numbers of results

Note that this package doesn't provide any support for indexing documents in Elasticsearch - that's handled well by other libraries, for example Laravel Scout with the ErickTamayo/laravel-scout-elastic driver.


Add elasticsearch connection configuration to database.php

'elasticsearch' => [
    'driver'   => 'elasticsearch',
    'host'     => 'localhost',
    'port'     => 9200,
    'database' => 'your_es_index',
    'username' => 'optional_es_username',
    'password' => 'optional_es_username',
    'suffix'   => 'optional_es_index_suffix',

Create or update your base Model.php class to override newEloquentBuilder() and newBaseQueryBuilder():

 * Create a new Eloquent builder for the model.
 * @param  \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder  $query
 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|static
public function newEloquentBuilder($query)
    switch ($this->getConnectionName()) {
        case static::getElasticsearchConnectionName():
            $builder = new ElasticsearchEloquentBuilder($query);

            $builder = new Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder($query);

    return $builder;

 * Get a new query builder instance for the connection.
 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder
protected function newBaseQueryBuilder()
    $connection = $this->getConnection();

    switch ($this->getConnectionName()) {
        case static::getElasticsearchConnectionName():
            $builder = new ElasticsearchQueryBuilder($connection, $connection->getQueryGrammar(), $connection->getPostProcessor());

            $builder = new Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder($connection, $connection->getPostProcessor());

    return $builder;


You're now ready to carry out searches on your data. The query will look for an Elasticsearch index with the same name as the database table that your models reside in.

$documents = MyModel::newElasticsearchQuery()
              ->where('date', '>', Carbon\Carbon::now())


Aggregations can be added to a query with an approach that's similar to querying Elasticsearch directly, using nested functions rather than nested arrays. The aggregation() method takes three or four arguments:

  1. A key to be used for the aggregation
  2. The type of aggregation, such as 'filter' or 'terms'
  3. (Optional) A callback or array providing options for the aggregation
  4. (Optional) A function allowing you to provide further sub-aggregations
$myQuery = MyModel::newElasticsearchQuery()
                 // The key of the aggregation (used in the Elasticsearch response)

                 // The type of the aggregation

                 // A callback providing options to the aggregation, in this case adding filter criteria to a query builder
                 function ($query) {
                     $query->where('lost', '!=', true);
                     $query->where('concierge', true);

                 // A callback specifying a sub-aggregation
                 function ($builder) {
                     // A simpler aggregation, counting terms in the 'status' field
                     $builder->aggregation('my_terms_aggregation', 'terms', ['field' => 'status']);

$results = $myQuery->get();
$aggregations = $myQuery->getQuery()->getAggregationResults();

Geo queries

You can filter search results by distance from a geo point or include only those results that fall within given bounds, passing arguments in the format you'd use if querying Elasticsearch directly.

$withinDistance = MyModel::newElasticsearchQuery()
                    ->whereGeoDistance('geo_field', [$lat, $lon], $distance);

$withinBounds= MyModel::newElasticsearchQuery()
                 ->whereGeoBoundsIn('geo_field', $boundingBox);

Scroll API

You can use a scroll search to retrieve large numbers of results. Rather than returning a Collection, you'll get a PHP Generator function that you can iterate over, where each value is a Model for a single result from Elasticsearch.

$documents = MyModel::newElasticsearchQuery()

// $documents is a Generator
foreach ($documents as $document){
  echo $document->id;