
Project Zomboid Injector using SetWindowsHookEx.

Primary LanguageC++


Project Zomboid Injector using SetWindowsHookEx.

Made for Emil, from Esd.GHJ, a project we was working on.


  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Launch the injector executable (Loader.exe).
  3. The loader will try to find a config file (config.ini), if does not find it, it will make one with default values.
  4. If the injection is successful, the console will display a message confirming the successful injection.
  5. The console window will be hidden automatically after 2 seconds.
  6. The injector will continue to run in the background, waiting for the Project Zomboid game window to close.
  7. To unload the injected DLL and exit the injector, simply close the Project Zomboid game window.


Before using the injector, make sure to set up the configuration file (config.ini) with the desired DLL pattern and window title. The config.ini file should be placed in the same directory as the injector executable.

Here's an example config.ini file content:

# Configuration file.
WindowTitle=Project Zomboid
  • DllPattern (default: Prototype*.dll): Pattern match for the DLL file to inject. Use asterisks (*) as wildcards for file name matching.
  • WindowTitle (default: Project Zomboid): Game window title.