
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple framework to make working with AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) a little easier.

It will turn AWS Events into an easier to use Request object and provide a Response object to easily return to the event initiator (eg API Gateway, S3, Cloudwatch scheduled events, etc).

It will also route requests to files on your filesystem (eg GET /index -> ${process.cwd()}/apigateway/index.js)

View documentation - https://dankantor.github.io/deeserverless/

For examples, check out the apigateway, ses, s3, etc folders.


Node.js CI


API Gateway


import { App } from 'deeserverless';

export const lambdaHandler = (event, context) => {
  return new App(event, context);


import {Page} from 'deeserverless';

class Me extends Page {

  constructor(req, res) {
    super(req, res);

  // set response status code to 200 and terminate connection
  get() {
    this.res.statusCode = 200;
    this.res.json = {"status": "ok"};

  post() {
    this.res.statusCode = 200;


export { Me as default };


import {Html} from 'deeserverless';

class Index extends Html {

  constructor(req, res) {
    super(req, res);

  get() {
    this.favIcon = 'favicon.jpg';
    this.description = 'Some description';
    this.title = 'Some title';
    this.css = ['/static/style.css'];
    this.scriptModules = ['/static/module.js','/static/component.js'];
    this.csrf = true;
    this.res.statusCode = 200;
    this.res.body = this.document;


export { Index as default };

Cloudwatch Scheduled Events

Event Rule should define constant JSON payload of

  "source": "aws.events",
  "cronFileName": "my-rule"


class MyRule {

  // do something and then finish by resolving res promise
  constructor(req, res) {
    console.log('cron running');
    res.resolve(null, 'Finished');


export { MyRule as default };

S3 Events


class Bucket {

  // do something and then finish by resolving res promise
  constructor(req, res) {
    console.log('received s3 event', req.event);


export { Bucket as default };

SES Incoming Event


class Incoming {

  // do something and then finish by resolving res promise
  constructor(req, res) {
    console.log('received ses event', req.event);
    res.resolve(null, { 'disposition' : 'CONTINUE' });


export { Incoming as default };

DynamoDB Stream Event


import {DynamoDBStream} from 'deeserverless';

class TableName exends DynamoDBStream {

  // called once per inserted record
  async insert(record) {
    // do work

  // called once per modified record
  async modify(record) {
    // do work

  // called once per removed record
  async remove(record) {
    // do work


export { TableName as default };