
Configure a newly installed Jenkins instance

Primary LanguagePython

Ansible Role: Jenkins Configuration

Provides the ability to deploy a configure Jenkins.

This rols is based on geerkingguy.jenkins infact, it shares a lot of the same variables. You see, this role doesn't actually install Jenkins, it only configures an existing installation.

Role Variables

Jenkins Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

jenkins_hostname: localhost

The system hostname; usually localhost works fine. This will be used during setup to communicate with the running Jenkins instance via HTTP requests.

jenkins_home: /var/lib/jenkins

The Jenkins home directory which, amongst others, is being used for storing artifacts, workspaces and plugins. This variable allows you to override the default /var/lib/jenkins location.

jenkins_http_port: 8080

The HTTP port for Jenkins' web interface.

jenkins_admin_username: admin
jenkins_admin_password: admin

Default admin account credentials which will be created the first time Jenkins is installed.

jenkins_admin_email: ""

Additional admin details used by some plugins.

jenkins_admin_password_file: ""

Default admin password file which will be created the first time Jenkins is installed as /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

jenkins_config_plugins: []

Jenkins plugins to be installed automatically during provisioning.

jenkins_plugins_install_dependencies: true

Whether Jenkins plugins to be installed should also install any plugin dependencies.

jenkins_plugins_state: present

Use latest to ensure all plugins are running the most up-to-date version.

jenkins_plugin_updates_expiration: 86400

Number of seconds after which a new copy of the update-center.json file is downloaded. Set it to 0 if no cache file should be used.

jenkins_plugin_timeout: 30

The server connection timeout, in seconds, when installing Jenkins plugins.

jenkins_url_prefix: ""

Used for setting a URL prefix for your Jenkins installation. The option is added as --prefix={{ jenkins_url_prefix }} to the Jenkins initialization java invocation, so you can access the installation at a path like http://www.example.com{{ jenkins_url_prefix }}. Make sure you start the prefix with a / (e.g. /jenkins).

jenkins_connection_delay: 5
jenkins_connection_retries: 60

Amount of time and number of times to wait when connecting to Jenkins after initial startup, to verify that Jenkins is running. Total time to wait = delay * retries, so by default this role will wait up to 300 seconds before timing out.

jenkins_config_executors: 2
jenkins_security_enabled: true
jenkins_security_deny_read_access: false
jenkins_security_disable_signup: true
jenkins_security_captcha: false
jenkins_security_disable_remember_me: false

Jenkins Credentials

jenkins_credentials_user_pass: []
# jenkins_credentials_ssh_key: []
# jenkins_credentials_secret_file: []
jenkins_credentials_secret_text: []
# jenkins_credentials_certificates: []

Git Variables

  - name: default
    home: git
jenkins_git_config_name: John Smith
jenkins_git_config_email: john@example.com

Github Variables

jenkins_github_enabled: false
jenkins_github_token: ""
jenkins_github_token_name: "Github token"
jenkins_github_token_id: "com.github.token"
jenkins_github_username: ""
jenkins_github_login_name: "Github prime login"
jenkins_github_login_id: "com.github.prime-login" 
  - name: Github
    api_url: https://api.github.com
    credentials_id: "{{ jenkins_github_token_id }}"
    client_cache_size: 20

NodeJS Variables

jenkins_nodejs_installations: []

Ant Variables

jenkins_ant_installations: []

Job DSL Variables

jenkins_dsl_enabled: false
jenkins_dsl_security: true


Example Playbook

- hosts: jenkins
    jenkins_hostname: jenkins.example.com
    - role: geerlingguy.java
      become: yes
    - role: geerlingguy.jenkins
      become: yes
    - role: dankempster.jenkins-config



Author Information

This role was created in 2019 by Dan Kempster.