
Magento PWA Studio snippets for vscode

MIT LicenseMIT

Magento PWA Studio Snippets for VS Code

Version Installs

This extension for Visual Studio Code adds snippets for Magento PWA Studio.

Use Extension

See the CHANGELOG for the latest changes

Visual Studio Marketplace

Launch Quick Open:

Paste the following command and press Enter:

ext install larsroettig.vscode-pwa-studio

GitHub Repository Clone

Change to your .vscode/extensions VS Code extensions directory. Depending on your platform it is located in the following folders:

  • Linux: ~/.vscode/extensions
  • macOS: ~/.vscode/extensions
  • Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions
git clone git@github.com:larsroettig/vscode-pwa-studio.git

For development you open the cloned directory and press F5 then VS-Code open new Window with the loaded extension.

PWA Studio Snippets

Snippet Short Snippet Purpose
pwa-comp pwac Simple function component
pwa-test pwat Snapshot test based on jest
pwa-test-case pwatc Simple Jest Testcase for snapshot
pwa-test-lib pwatl Snapshot test based on react testing library
pwa-export-default pwaed Default export for index
pwa-route pwaro Venia-UI route target
pwa-route-sub pwaros Venia-UI route child target
pwa-rich-con pwarc Venia-UI rich content renderer target
pwa-hook pwah Peregrine hook target
pwa-hook-sub pwahs Peregrine hook target sub