
A React Native component to show image and video stories ✨ 🎖

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Story View - Simform


npm version Android iOS MIT

This library provides status/stories features like Instagram/WhatsApp or other social media, It is simple to use and fully customizable. It works on both android and iOS platforms.

Quick Access

Installation | StoryView | Usage | Props | Example | License


1. Install Story View
$ npm install react-native-story-view
# --- or ---
$ yarn add react-native-story-view
2. Install peer dependencies
$ npm install react-native-video react-native-reanimated react-native-gesture-handler react-native-video-cache-control
# --- or ---
$ yarn add react-native-video react-native-reanimated react-native-gesture-handler react-native-video-cache-control

Note: If you already have these libraries installed and at the latest version, you are done here!

3. Install cocoapods in the ios project
cd ios && pod install

Note: Make sure to add Reanimated's babel plugin to your babel.config.js

module.exports = {
      plugins: [

Extra Step

If you're facing issue related to 'android-scalablevideoview' or 'videocache' module not found. Add this code in android's build.gradle

jcenter() {
    content {
        includeModule("com.yqritc", "android-scalablevideoview")
        includeModule("com.danikula", "videocache")
Know more about react-native-video, react-native-reanimated, react-native-gesture-handler and react-native-video-cache-control


🎬 Preview

SimformSolutions SimformSolutions


StoryView is divided into several components, MultiStory is the root component. ProfileHeader and Footer are individual components for header and footer. StoryContainer internally used for rendering Story. We'll look usage and customization of all these.

Checkout Multi Story Example here
Checkout Stories Data Format here
Checkout Single Story Example here

Story Data Format

Define the users' stories array in the below format. There will be multiple users and multiple stories inside.

const userStories = [
      id: 1, //unique id (required)
      username: 'Alan', //user name on header
      title: 'Albums', //title below username
      profile: 'https://sosugary.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/TheWeeknd_001.jpg', //user profile picture
      stories: [
          id: 0, //unique id (required)
          url: 'https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-IrhmhgPltsdrwMu8-thZohQ-t500x500.jpg', // story url
          type: 'image', //image or video type of story
          duration: 5, //default duration
          storyId: 1,
          isSeen: false,
          id: 1,
          url: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/gtv-videos-bucket/sample/BigBuckBunny.mp4',
          type: 'video',
          duration: 15,
          storyId: 1,
          isSeen: false,
      username: 'Weekend',


SimformSolutions SimformSolutions

This is the root component of StoryView package. It displays horizontal list of users with pre-defined ui from StoryAvatar component and uses animated flatlist under the hood to display stories. StoryContainer is used under the hood for story so all customization can be done from storyContainerProps.

Basic Usage

const multiStoryRef = useRef<MultiStoryRef>(null);

    userNameStyle: { fontSize: 16 },
  // all StoryContainer props applies here
    renderHeaderComponent: ({ userStories, progressIndex, userStoryIndex }) => (
      <Header {...{ userStories, progressIndex, multiStoryRef }} />
    renderFooterComponent: ({ userStories, progressIndex, userStoryIndex }) => (
      <Footer {...{ userStories }} />
    barStyle: {
      barActiveColor: Colors.red,

Checkout Multi Story Example here



This is an individual component, To display user details on header like instagram/whatsapp. In renderHeaderComponent of StoryContainer, Custom component can be assigned. For MultiStory, renderHeaderComponent receives progressIndex, userStories, story and userStoryIndex for getting current user data.

const multiStoryRef = useRef(null);

    renderHeaderComponent: ({
    }) => (
        userImage={{ uri: userStories?.profile ?? '' }}
        onClosePress={() => {


SimformSolutions SimformSolutions

This is an individual component, To display footer like instagram. Any TextInput props can be directly passed to Footer. In renderFooterComponent of StoryContainer, Custom component can be assigned.

    renderFooterComponent: ({
    }) => (
        onIconPress={() => {
          console.log('Share icon clicked');
        onSendTextPress={() => {
          console.log('Message sent');
        placeholder="Enter Message"

Additional Reference


This is the core component of StoryView, which provides all functionality of story view and customization. It is used to render all stories in MultiStory. This component is just for reference how storyContainerProps in MultiStory being passed in this component internally.

const [isStoryViewVisible, setIsStoryViewShow] = useState(false);

  renderFooterComponent={({ story, progressIndex }) => (
      onSendTextPress={() => {
        Alert.alert(`Current Story id ${story?.[progressIndex].id} `);
      onIconPress={() => {
        Alert.alert('Current Story progress index' + progressIndex);
  renderHeaderComponent={({ story, progressIndex }) => (
      userImage={{ uri: userStories[0]?.profile ?? '' }}
      onImageClick={() => {}}
      onClosePress={() => setIsStoryViewShow(false)}
  //Callback when all stories completes
  onComplete={() => setIsStoryViewShow(false)}


MultiStory is wrapper on this component with extra horizontal user list UI of StoryAvatar. If MultiStory's horizontal list customisation is not sufficient for any use-case, use this base component and add your own customised horizontal user list UI.


Basic Usage

const [isStoryViewVisible, setIsStoryViewShow] = useState(false);
const [pressedIndex, setPressedIndex] = useState<number>(0);

const openStories = (index: number) => {

  <View style={styles.container}>
      keyExtractor={item => item?.id?.toString()}
      renderItem={({ item, index }) => (
        <Pressable onPress={() => openStories(index)}>
          <CustomStoryAvatar {...{ item, index }} />
    {isStoryViewVisible && (
      // add other StoryContainer Props
        onComplete={() => setIsStoryViewShow(false)}



ProgressBar customisation can be controlled through StoryContainer itself. enableProgress to make visible the progressbar.progressIndex to start story from any index. barStyle to customize look feel of progressbar.onChangePosition trigger when progressbar index will change returns current index.

    enableProgress: true,
    //Callback when progressbar index changes
    onChangePosition: position => {},
    barStyle: {
      barHeight: 2,
      barInActiveColor: 'green',
      barActiveColor: 'grey',
    maxVideoDuration: 25,
    progressIndex: 0,

Custom View


Pass any custom view in story view. It will be rendered on top of story view as it has an absolute position. In renderCustomView of StoryContainer, Any custom component can be assigned.

    renderCustomView: () => (
          position: 'absolute',
          top: 40,
          right: 50,
            height: 25,
            width: 25,
            tintColor: 'green',

Story Data

  id: string;
  username: string;
  title: string;
  profile: string;
      id: string;
      url: string;
      type: 'image' | 'video';
      duration: number
      isReadMore: boolean
      storyId: number,
      isSeen?: boolean,


Cube Scale Default



Name Default Type
stories* undefined StoriesType[] Array of multiple user stories
ref null MultiStoryRef To access close story method
storyContainerProps {} StoryContainerProps Customize all story props, detailed props in below StoryContainer section
avatarProps {} StoryAvatarStyleProps Customize avatar component styles
onChangePosition null (progressIndex, storyIndex) => {} Callback when progress index changes
transitionMode TransitionMode.Cube TransitionMode: {Default, Cube, Scale} To customize user story transition, (TransitionMode.default : no transition, Transition.scale : zoomIn/zoomOut transition, Transition.Cube: 3D cube transition) cube
onComplete null (viewedStories?: Array<boolean[]>) => void Callback when stories closed or completes. viewedStories contains multi array of boolean whether story is seen or not
props - FlatListProps Pass any FlatList props to customize horizontal user list


Name Default Type
userNameStyle - TextStyle To change style of user name
userImageStyle - ImageStyle To change style of user avatar
containerStyle - ViewStyle To change style of image container
userImageProps - ImageProps To customize image props
userNameProps - ViewStyle To customize text props
rootProps - PressableProps To customize root view props
viewedStoryContainerStyle - ViewStyle To customize story avatar when all stories of it are seen


Name Default Type
stories* undefined StoriesType[] Array of multiple user stories
visible* false boolean Hide / show story view
userStoryIndex 0 number Pass clicked index of horizontal user list.
storyContainerProps {} StoryContainerProps Customize all story props, detailed props in below StoryContainer section
onChangePosition null (progressIndex, userIndex) => {} Callback when progress index changes
transitionMode TransitionMode.Cube TransitionMode: {Default, Cube, Scale} To customize user story transition, (TransitionMode.default : no transition, Transition.scale : zoomIn/zoomOut transition, Transition.Cube: 3D cube transition) cube
onComplete null () => {} Callback when stories closed or complete
props - StoryContainerProps Pass any StoryContainerProps props to customize story


Name Default Type
visible* false boolean Hide / show story view
stories* undefined StoryType[] Array of stories
backgroundColor #000000 string Background color of story view
maxVideoDuration null number Override video progress duration (default is actual duration of video)
style {} ViewStyle Style of story view
showSourceIndicator true boolean Display indicator while video loading
sourceIndicatorProps {} ActivityIndicatorProps To override indicator props
onComplete null () => {} Callback when all stories completes
renderHeaderComponent null (callback: CallbackProps) => JSX.Element Render Header component (ProfileHeader) or custom component
renderFooterComponent null (callback: CallbackProps) => JSX.Element Render Footer component (Footer) or custom component
renderCustomView null (callback: CallbackProps) => JSX.Element Render any custom view on Story
storyContainerViewProps {} ViewProps Root story view props
headerViewProps {} ViewProps Header view wrapper props
footerViewProps {} ViewProps Footer view wrapper props
customViewProps {} ViewProps Custom view wrapper props
videoProps {} VideoProperties To override video properties
ref {} StoryRef To access 'pause' story method and 'viewedStories' stories object (Single Story)


Name Default Type
progressIndex 0 number Current progress index of story
story undefined StoryType[] Current story array
userStories undefined StoriesType Current user story array (Only for Multi Story)
userStoryIndex undefined number Current user story index (Only for Multi Story)

StoryContainer: Progressbar

Name Default Type
progressIndex 0 number To start story with any index
barStyle {
barActiveColor: #ffffff'
barInActiveColor: #FFFFFF7F
barHeight : 2
BarStyleProps Progressbar Style: (barActiveColor, barInActiveColor, barHeight)
enableProgress true boolean To display progressbar
progressViewProps {} ViewProps ProgressBar view wrapper props
onChangePosition null (position) => {} Callback when progress index changes


Name Default Type
userImage {} ImageSourcePropType Circular view image
userName '' string To display username
userMessage '' string Display text below username
customCloseButton null any To render custom close button
closeIconProps {} ViewProps ProgressBar view wrapper props
onImageClick null () => {} Callback on user image click
rootStyle {} ViewStyle root view style changes
containerStyle {} ViewStyle container view style changes
userImageStyle {} ImageStyle To change profile Image view style
userNameStyle {} TextStyle To change profile name style
userMessageStyle {} TextStyle To change profile message/subtext style
closeIconStyle {} ImageStyle To change close icon style
userImageProps {} ImageProps User Image props
userMessageProps {} TextProps User Message Props
userNameProps {} TextProps User Name Props


Name Default Type
customInput null TextInput Render any custom text input
shouldShowSendImage true bool Show/hide send icon image
onIconPress null () => {} Callback on send icon press
sendIconProps {} ImageProps Additional props to customize 'send' image view
sendText 'Send' string To change text 'send' with any other string
shouldShowTextInputSend true bool Show/hide send text inside text input (like instagram)
onSendTextPress null () => {} Callback on send text press
sendTextProps {} TextProps Additional props to customize 'send' text view
sendTextStyle {} TextStyle To change style of send text
sendIconStyle {} ImageStyle To change style of send icon
inputStyle {} StyleProp To change style of input
containerStyle {} ViewStyle To change style of root view
containerViewProps {} ViewProps Root view props
props - TextInputProps Pass any TextInput props on Footer component


A full working example project is here Example

$ yarn
$ yarn example ios   // For ios
$ yarn example android   // For Android


  • Customize StoryAvatar in reference of Instagram
  • Customized Story example
  • Refactor Cube transition (make perfect cube in reference of Instagram)
  • Landscape support
  • Optimize video loading on android

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For bugs, feature requests, and discussion please use GitHub Issues, GitHub New Feature, GitHub Feedback

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We'd love to have you improve this library or fix a problem 💪 Check out our Contributing Guide for ideas on contributing.

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