- 5
- 2
#178 opened by ytanck - 0
Error converting >
#177 opened by fumagally - 0
TypeError: malformed base64.
#176 opened by manh20012000 - 11
Error: Not a valid base64 encoded string length - even though Base64 string seems to be valid
#175 opened by PiotrSzlagura - 2
- 9
Dual package hazard
#168 opened by jcbhmr - 1
#169 opened by huangqianxia - 5
Does chunk the buffer affect multibyte characters?
#170 opened by JC-Ge - 0
#162 opened by xv-thomas-siew - 0
- 2
- 1
Does not strip off all the `=` signs
#164 opened by trajano - 1
#161 opened by coderja - 12
- 1
Cannot decode js-base64 UTF-8 encoded String
#158 opened by Sercurio - 1
Which version for VUE2.6.10???
#156 opened by CaiNiaoFeng - 1
CDN access failed
#155 opened by beard-bin - 1
Typo towards the end of the readme
#154 opened by savin2001 - 0
Build failed: Unexpected token: keyword «const» [./node_modules/js-base64/base64.mjs:12,0]
#153 opened by wlchn - 1
When input is undefined it raises an error
#151 opened by jatinmehrotra - 2
Can not decode right string
#145 opened by EliteCheng - 1
#150 opened by benharvie - 1
- 4
Uint8Array.from failed to work in some safari version
#137 opened by g1f9 - 0有问题呀,引入到项目中最后一行报错了
#135 opened by Guidozijef - 1
- 4
#142 opened by wqq20170106 - 2
If there is no “=” sign at the end. The decode string will be incorrect.
#143 opened by waylon-edmodo - 2
- 4
Usage of reserved word for a const.
#138 opened by LaseII - 1
- 0
Uint8Array.from can not run normal in w
#136 opened by g1f9 - 3
`global` should not be modified in commonjs format
#119 opened by iManoir - 0
docs: explain which base64 variant is being used
#133 opened by golopot - 4
URI error while decoding base64 HTML
#130 opened by Sephaq - 2
Add isBase64( ) function
#132 opened by evaliyev - 1
Character ă cannot btoa
#131 opened by wishcn - 3
this js can not run in IE 11 browser?
#127 opened by Cherry-Ran - 2
NodeJS Issues
#121 opened by jasonmacer - 1
U8s input and output are inconsistent
#128 opened by moxiaolongx0 - 2
stopped working in nativescript after update
#126 opened by ray007 - 7
fromUint8Array() -> u8a.subarray is not a function
#124 opened by Yoshi20 - 3
Missing base64.min.js
#111 opened by Twixy69 - 8
- 1
Add a changelog
#123 opened by polarstoat - 4
feature request: native ES module support
#114 opened by JounQin - 1
URI safe encoded Uint8Array cannot be decoded
#112 opened by polarstoat - 1
CVE-2020-11022 - Medium Severity Vulnerability
#110 opened by Setherizor - 1
WhiteSource scan warning - CVE-2020-11022
#109 opened by scott-m-sarsfield