
Package Explorer allows you to get information about java classes in a specified directory.

Primary LanguageJava

Package Explorer

Allows you to get information about java classes in a specified directory.


Package Explorer uses Java Reflection API to list all the .class files in the specified directory and let a user view the details of each class. (Class name, SuperClass, Interface, Fields, Methods, Providers, Clients).

  • Providers - list of classes within the same directory that this class depends on.
  • Clients - list of classes within the same directory that depend on this class.

The program allows saving individual/all class files in XML by serializing with Java's XMLEncoder library. You can load files back in the program by choosing to load previosly saved XML file containing all classes.



Open the folder containing jar and run:

cd PackageExplorer/out/artifacts/PackageExplorer_jar
java -jar PackageExplorer.jar /Users/danil/MyJavaClassFilesAreHere

If the first argument is empty, the program will search for .class files in the current directory.


Please feel free to reach out:)

Danil Kolesnikov – danil.kolesnikov@sjsu.edu

Distributed under the MIT license.