
Team project - KidsLike (Good habits tracker for kids)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Read in other language: Українська/Ukrainian

Typing SVG

Web application - "Kids Likes"


STACK - React, JavaScript, HTML/SCSS (redux-toolkit, redux-persist, react-router, axios)

(react-responsive, react-sweet-progress, classnames, react-toastify, react-loader-spinner)


Through this work, we have learned

  • React

virtual DOM, jsx, components/pure-components, propTypes, react-bootstrap
inline styles, css modules, state, events, forms, lifecycle, http-requests
hooks(useState, useEffect, usContext, useRef, useMemo, useCallback, useReducer)
routing, navigation history, redux, actions, reducer, dispatch , selectors, useSelector
redux-toolkit, configureStore, createAction, createReducer, createSlice, CSSTransition
createAsyncThunk, createApi, JSON Web Token, authorization, createPortal, public/private route

  • JavaScript

variables, types, branching, arrays, function, object,
spread/rest, destructuring, callbacks, arrays methods, pure functions
method chaining, context(this), function methods, prototypes, classes
OOP, DOM, events, event delegation, throttle/debounce, lazy loading
few node.js, npm, code modularity, webpack/parcel
json, web storage, asynchrony, date and time
promises, HTTP/s, rest API, AJAX, pagination
CRUD, async/await, fetch, axios, handlerbars

  • HTML (tags, attributes, semantics, clean structure, code style)

  • CSS

selector specificity, pseudo-class, css variables, pseudo-elements,
font properties, box model, element geometry, element types,
image types, gradient, shadow, raster/vector graphics, svg sprites
positioned elements, animations, transitions, forms, link js

  • BEM
  • SASS
  • adaptive and responsive layout (markup, graphics)

  • Other skills
  • Communication
  • Presentations
  • Teamwork
  • Trello
  • Postman

Our contacts

Alex-Taylor Danko LinkedIn GitHub Telegram Email

Mike Bakuzov LinkedIn GitHub Telegram

Olena Yatseniuk LinkedIn GitHub Telegram Email

Arthur Korchack LinkedIn GitHub Telegram Email

Denis Mirgoyazov LinkedIn GitHub Telegram Email

Andrii Galickyi LinkedIn GitHub Telegram Email

Vitalii Shpuntov LinkedIn GitHub Telegram Email