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This is my second Deep Q Learning network. The first DQN model I built had instability problems for the following reasons:
- One network was used to for actions and for the value of the actions.
- This created correlations.
- Small updates to Q may have been significantly changing the policy.
As a solution I propose the following:
- Create a class to handle the experience replay.
- Experience replay is the state at time t.
- The action the agent will take in that time step.
- The reward the agent receives.
- The observation after the action taken.
- A separate deep neural network to handle the calculation of the target values.
- Update neural network with experience replay.
- Sample those memories uniformly.
- Regarding correlations: uniform sampling guarantees we do not get a string of observations from a single episode and thereby break the correlations.
- Why these solutions:
- The point is to solve the Bellman Equation.
- To decouple the correlations between the action and the value of the actions
- By using a class for experience replay we are randomizing over the data to remove the correlations and smoothing over changes in the data distribution.
I will use PongNoFrameskip-v4 to solve this problem. I do not have the GPU's to solve multiple games.
This is based on the paper "Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning." I did not use any code from the paper. From the paper I build pseudo code that answers the following questions:
- What algorithm?
- What sort of date structures and classes will I need?
- What model architecture?
- What are the hyperparameters?
- what general results can I expect?
Pseudo code found in pdf file simply titled "pseudo_code." This is not in a format that is used to write pseudo code found in peer reviewed articles. This is meant to show what I extracted from the article this model is based on. It is also the initial plan I used to write the code.
I had to make modifications to the algorithm because of my lack of GPU's. For example, instead of max_mem_size = 1,000,000 I used max_mem_size = 100,000. I may further reduce this upon final implementation given my GPU and RAM.
As before I placed the following constraint upon myself: I refused to use frameworks or API's such as HuggingFace. The point is to help me understand RL and Deep Q Networks. Using those API's would not help my understanding. Buidling networks from scratch will.
Project Description | Skill |
The project involves building a second Deep Q Learning (DQN) network to address instability issues identified in the first model. | Deep Learning |
Identified problems include the use of a single network for both actions and value estimations, creating correlations and policy instability. | Problem Identification in AI Models |
Proposed solutions include creating a class for experience replay, using a separate deep neural network for target value calculations, and updating the neural network with uniformly sampled experience replays to reduce correlations. | Solution Design and Implementation in Machine Learning |
The model aims to solve the Bellman Equation, decouple action-value correlations, and ensure data randomization to smooth data distribution changes. | Mathematical Modeling in Machine Learning |
The PongNoFrameskip-v4 game is used for testing the solution, constrained by available GPU resources. | Practical Application of DQN in Gaming |
Based on the "Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning" paper, the project did not use the paper's code but developed pseudo code to outline algorithms, data structures, model architecture, hyperparameters, and expected results. | Research and Development in Deep Learning |
Adjustments were made to the original algorithm to accommodate limited GPU resources, such as reducing the maximum memory size for experience replay. | Adaptation and Optimization for Resource Constraints |
The project deliberately avoids using frameworks like HuggingFace to deepen understanding of RL and DQN by building networks from scratch. | Deep Learning Frameworks and Libraries Independence |