
This repository contain my fiddling and code related to my scientific internship at LFA-IFUSP. My project consists of comparing and validating several measured cloud fraction between different instruments at the GOAmazon site.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

This repository contain my fiddling and code related to my scientific internship at LFA-IFUSP.

My project consists of comparing and validating several measured cloud fraction between different instruments at the GOAmazon site. Specifically, I will compare the following CF sources:

  • CF (Long algorithm) from the GOAmazon radiative flux analyzer
  • Calculated Xie & Liu CF algorithm using the GOAmazon radiative flux analyzer data
  • GOAmazon TSI
  • MODIS Aqua and Terra CF product, channel 6 - level 2
  • GOES 12 e 13


All code in this repository was writen and tested in Python 3.5.3, with the interactive notebooks written in Jupyter (>=1.0.0) and IPython (>=6.0.0).

I've used the following Python packages in this project:

  • numpy >= 1.12.1
  • pandas >= 0.20.1
  • scipy >= 0.19.0
  • matplotlib >= 2.0.2
  • netCDF4 >= 1.2.7
  • python-hdf4 >= 0.9

How to use



  • /var/ - Configuration
  • /notebooks/ - Several interactive notebooks
  • /img/ - Some output images
  • /data/ - Processed data

Source files

  • /src/main.py -
  • /src/common.py -
  • /src/XL.py - GOAmazon radiative flux analyzer CFs
  • /src/MODIS.py - MODIS Aqua and Terra CFs
  • /src/TSI.py - TSI CF
  • /src/LIDAR.py - LIDAR CF