- 1475963@sm20corp
- ahmadizzanTokyo
- andrewjongAirLab
- ChengheriParis, France
- dimidd
- dspp779National Tsing Hua University
- ehskServiceNow Research
- goodmamiWashington
- gyunggyung@forus-ai
- hardyqrGoogle DeepMind
- Hellisotherpeople@Oracle
- hoangphan1509
- Huffon@liner-engineering
- Jodiechou
- KikiCS
- kiminh
- lambdaofgodPoland
- lwmlyyShanghai University of Finance and Economics
- mayurbhangale@deliveryhero
- milliemaoouniversity of southampton
- movebitsToronto, ON
- rdenauxMadrid, Spain
- RiccorlPhD @SapienzaNLP
- ruiantunesAveiro, Portugal
- sai-prasannaFreiburg, Germany
- samarth1397Munich, Germany
- sleepsophia
- sunaidi
- taesunwhangNAVER corp.
- tatsuokunTokyo Institute of Technology
- victorbarres
- vpapgThe University of Sheffield
- WenchenLiNew York
- XingLuxiBeijing, China
- ylwangy