
Exploring my iMessages Data


Learning more about SQL and SQLite by exploring my Apple Messages Data.

Step 1: Collect Messages Data

Apple stores iMessage Data locally in an SQLite Database named 'chat.db' Finder Window for Messages Database Folder

--> ~ ls -lah /Users/danlsn/Library/Messages
total 161064
drwx------@  15 danlsn  staff   480B 20 Feb 20:48 .
drwx------+ 107 danlsn  staff   3.3K 16 Feb 15:53 ..
-rw-r--r--@   1 danlsn  staff   8.0K 20 Feb 20:54 .DS_Store
drwx------@ 252 danlsn  staff   7.9K 19 Feb 15:56 Attachments
drwx------@   2 danlsn  staff    64B 19 Feb 14:54 CloudKitMetaData
drwxr-xr-x@   3 danlsn  staff    96B 13 Jan 10:57 Drafts
drwxrwxrwx@  18 danlsn  staff   576B  4 Jan 21:43 NickNameCache
drwx------@  11 danlsn  staff   352B 19 Feb 15:48 StickerCache
-rw-r--r--@   1 danlsn  staff    66M 20 Feb 18:04 chat.db
-rw-r--r--@   1 danlsn  staff    32K 20 Feb 20:48 chat.db-shm
-rw-r--r--@   1 danlsn  staff   3.2M 20 Feb 20:48 chat.db-wal
-rw-r--r--@   1 danlsn  staff   1.0M 20 Feb 20:48 com.apple.messages.geometrycache_v6.plist
-rw-r--r--@   1 danlsn  staff    32K 14 Feb 17:19 prewarm.db
-rw-r--r--@   1 danlsn  staff    32K 20 Feb 17:44 prewarm.db-shm
-rw-r--r--@   1 danlsn  staff   1.4M 20 Feb 17:44 prewarm.db-wal

Step 2: Start Hacking on It

1. How many messages have I sent on iMessage?

---All Messages
SELECT count(*) count
FROM main.message;
---Sent By Me
select count(*) count
from main.message
where message.is_from_me = 1;
--Received By Me
select count(*) count
from main.message
where message.is_from_me = 0;

2. How many messages have I sent per year?

The date column in the 'messages' table is recorded as nanoseconds since 2001-01-01.

--Select Messages I've Sent Grouped By Date
select date(message.date / 1000000000 + strftime("%s", "2001-01-01"), "unixepoch", "localtime") date_time,
       count(ROWID)                                                                             count
from message
where message.is_from_me = 1
group by date_time
order by count desc
limit 10;
date_time count
2018-09-21 282
2018-09-24 251
2022-01-03 227
2022-01-11 222
2018-09-22 180
2018-10-24 165
2018-12-20 164
2019-05-27 163
2019-09-21 152
2018-10-02 150

So far so good! Now it's time to bucket the dates by year instead!

--Select Messages I've Sent Grouped by Year
select strftime("%Y",
                date(message.date / 1000000000 + strftime("%s", "2001-01-01"), "unixepoch", "localtime")) date_time,
       count(ROWID)                                                                                       count
from message
where message.is_from_me = 1
group by date_time
order by date_time desc;
date_time count
2022 1432
2021 3033
2020 3254
2019 5918
2018 6046
2017 1
2016 2449
2015 188

iMessages I've Sent By Year


  1. What happened in 2017?
    1. Well, I had an Android Phone in 2017.
  2. Why has iMessage usage dropped dramatically since 2020?
    1. Most of my messaging happens on Messenger now
  3. And, 2015?
    1. Back then most of my messaging was in WhatsApp!

3. How Many iMessages are Sent vs. SMS?

--Select Messages Sent by Me and Group By Type
select count(*) count, message.service service
from message
where message.is_from_me = 1
group by service
order by count desc;
count service
20344 iMessage
1977 SMS

4. How Many Messages Sent in 'The Boys' Group Chat?

--How Many Messages Sent in 'The Boys' Group Chat?

--Select ROWID for the Group Chat
select ROWID, display_name
from chat
where display_name like 'The Boys';
ROWID display_name
3 The Boys
--Select Count of All Messages with the right chat_id
select chat_id, count(*) count
from chat_message_join
where chat_id = (select ROWID from chat where display_name like 'The Boys');
chat_id count
3 3505

5. How many messages grouped by group chat name?

--Join Chat and Message Tables by chat_message_join, group by display_name
select display_name, count(*) count
from chat
         join chat_message_join cmj on chat.ROWID = cmj.chat_id
         join message m on cmj.message_id = m.ROWID
where display_name not like ""
group by display_name
order by count desc;
display_name count
The Boys 3505
House Maxleigh ISO 306
Koala Kids - Photog & Cinematography 27
Koala Kids Dinner 13
Koala Kids 8

6. How much data has been sent in Attachments?

--How many total bytes of attachments?
select sum(total_bytes) total_bytes
from attachment;
--Bytes of Attachments Grouped By UTI
select uti, sum(total_bytes) total_bytes
from attachment
group by uti
order by total_bytes desc
limit 10;
uti total_bytes
com.apple.quicktime-movie 5112106511
public.jpeg 2873301725
public.heic 830067782
public.png 255029744
public.mpeg-4 225392291
dyn.age81a5dzq7y066dbtf0g82peqf4hk2pdrb00n5xy 155572241
com.apple.m4v-video 113088672
com.adobe.raw-image 77530021
com.compuserve.gif 34474884
com.adobe.pdf 11116671

7. Who have I sent and received the most messages from?

--Select Messages Grouped by Handle
select *
from chat c
         cross join chat_handle_join chj on c.ROWID = chj.chat_id
         cross join message m on chj.handle_id = m.handle_id

--Work in Progress...

8. How Many Unique Phone Numbers Have I Sent Messages To?

--Join message and handle tables on ROWID
select count(*) count, h.id handle_id
from message m
         cross join handle h on h.ROWID = m.handle_id
where m.is_from_me = 1
group by handle_id
order by count desc
limit 5;
count handle_id
976 +61403 xxx xxx
362 +61425 xxx xxx
113 +61417 xxx xxx
57 +61425 xxx xxx
37 +61403 xxx xxx

9. How Many Missed Call Messages Have I Received?

--Select Messages that begin with "You missed a call from..."
select m.ROWID id, m.text text, m.date datetime
from message m
where m.text like 'You missed a call from%'
limit 1;
id text datetime
13 You missed a call from 0409 xxx xxx, who did not leave a message. This message was provided by Telstra at no charge to you. 658219105684039936
--How do I miss the most calls from?
select h.id handle, count(*) count
from message m
         cross join handle h on h.ROWID = m.handle_id
where m.text like 'You missed a call from%'
  and handle not like 'message2txt'
group by handle
order by count desc
limit 5;
handle count
+61403 xxx xxx 84
+61409 xxx xxx 44
+61447 xxx xxx 15
+61425 xxx xxx 12
+61420 xxx xxx 7

10. Can you show me a running total line graph of messages sent?

Uhh... yeah?

--Let's go back to the 'messages grouped by date' query
select date(message.date / 1000000000 + strftime("%s", "2001-01-01"), "unixepoch", "localtime") date_time,
       count(ROWID)                                                                             count
from message
where message.is_from_me = 1
group by date_time
order by count desc
limit 10;

--SQLite supports window functions!
select date_time,
       sum(count) over (order by date_time rows between unbounded preceding and current row ) as running_total
from (select date(message.date / 1000000000 + strftime("%s", "2001-01-01"), "unixepoch", "localtime") date_time,
             count(ROWID)                                                                             count
      from message
      where message.is_from_me = 1
      group by date_time
      order by count desc)
order by date_time
--limit 10;
date_time count running_total
2015-11-09 5 5
2015-11-10 7 12
2015-11-11 6 18
2015-11-12 2 20
2015-11-13 7 27
2015-11-14 6 33
2015-11-15 5 38
2015-11-16 15 53
2015-11-17 28 81
2015-11-19 1 82

Success! Now to create the graph.

Running Total of Messages Sent Line Graph

Lots of issues with this visualisation...

  • Big gap in the data from 2016-2018
  • X-axis is cluttered and difficult to read
  • The graph isn't very appealing to look at!

I made a much more legible and attractive chart using Metabase.

Fancier Metabase Chart

11. Create a Pie Chart for Sent/Received Messages

select case "message"."is_from_me"
           when 1 then "Sent"
           else "Received"
           end     "Sent/Received",
       count(*) as "Count"
from "message"
group by "message"."is_from_me";
Sent/Received Count
Received 26623
Sent 22321

![](img/CleanShot 2022-02-22 at 15.44.47@2x.png)

12. Obfuscate Phone Numbers In Output for Privacy

I wanted to do this in SQL without using Python or Bash but I couldn't compile the regex replace extension on my M1 MacBook...

So I'm figuring out a workaround

--Let's use a previous example:
--How do I miss the most calls from?
select substr(h.id, -12, 6) || ' xxx xxx' handle,
       count(*)                           count
from message m
        cross join handle h on h.ROWID = m.handle_id
where m.text like 'You missed a call from%'
  and handle not like 'message2txt'
group by handle
order by count desc
limit 10;